
object ThermostatTrait

Attributes for ThermostatTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the Thermostat cluster.

Clear the weekly schedule.

The request payload for the ClearWeeklySchedule command.

The system modes that the thermostat can operate in.

Thermostat cluster FeatureMap.

Get the weekly schedule for the device.

The request payload for the GetWeeklySchedule command.

The weekly schedule, with the same payload as setWeeklySchedule.

Days of the week for scheduling.

How the app decodes the setpoint fields of each transition.

Optional arguments for the command SetActivePresetRequestCommand Request

Set the weekly schedule.

The request payload for the SetWeeklySchedule command.

Change the setpoint for the current thermostat mode.

The request payload for the SetpointRaiseLower command.

Specifies which setpoint is to be adjusted.

The current operating mode of the thermostat.

The running mode of the thermostat.

A single transition in a thermostat schedule.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId