
object ActionsTrait

Attributes for ActionsTrait.


Nested types

Error types.

Indicates that the action failed to complete as intended.

Action state.

The details of a single action.

Action types.

Attributes for the Actions cluster.

Bitmap indicating which commands are supported.

Disable an action.

Optional arguments for the command DisableActionCommand Request

The request payload for the DisableAction command.

Disable an action for a specified amount of time, then enable it.

Optional arguments for the command DisableActionWithDurationCommand Request

The request payload for the DisableActionWithDuration command.

Enable an action.

Optional arguments for the command EnableActionCommand Request

The request payload for the EnableAction command.

Enable an action for a specified amount of time, then disable it.

Optional arguments for the command EnableActionWithDurationCommand Request

The request payload for the EnableActionWithDuration command.

The details of a single endpoint list, a set of endpoints that have some logical relation.

Type of endpoint list.

Trigger an action (state change) on endpoints in an asynchronous manner.

Optional arguments for the command InstantActionCommand Request

The request payload for the InstantAction command.

Trigger an action (state change) on endpoints, specifying how long the state change should take.

Optional arguments for the command InstantActionWithTransitionCommand Request

The request payload for the InstantActionWithTransition command.

Pause an ongoing action.

Optional arguments for the command PauseActionCommand Request

The request payload for the PauseAction command.

Pause an ongoing action for a specified amount of time, after which it resumes.

Optional arguments for the command PauseActionWithDurationCommand Request

The request payload for the PauseActionWithDuration command.

Resume a paused action.

Optional arguments for the command ResumeActionCommand Request

The request payload for the ResumeAction command.

Start an action.

Optional arguments for the command StartActionCommand Request

The request payload for the StartAction command.

Start an action, allow it to run for a specified amount of time, after which it stops.

Optional arguments for the command StartActionWithDurationCommand Request

The request payload for the StartActionWithDuration command.

The state of an action changed during execution of a command, and the most recent command using the actionId populated the invokeId attribute.

Stop the ongoing action.

Optional arguments for the command StopActionCommand Request

The request payload for the StopAction command.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId