
object OperationalStateTrait

Attributes for OperationalStateTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the OperationalState cluster.

The error states.

Used to indicate the error state of the device when the operationalState attribute is Error.

This event is generated when the overall operation ends, successfully or otherwise.

This event is generated when a reportable error condition is detected.

The operational states.

Used to indicate a possible state of the device.

Pause the device if possible, based on the current operation underway.

The request payload for the Pause command.

The result of the completed Pause command.

Resume operation if the device is in a state where it can be resumed.

The request payload for the Resume command.

The result of the completed Resume command.

Start the device if the device is in a state where it can be started.

The request payload for the Start command.

The result of the completed Start command.

Stop the device if possible, based on the current operation underway.

The request payload for the Stop command.

The result of the completed Stop command.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId