interface TraitStateInvalidation
AccountLogin |
API for the AccountLogin trait. |
Actions |
API for the Actions trait. |
ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring |
API for the ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring trait. |
AirQuality |
API for the AirQuality trait. |
ApplicationBasic |
API for the ApplicationBasic trait. |
ApplicationLauncher |
API for the ApplicationLauncher trait. |
ArmDisarm |
API for the ArmDisarm trait. |
AudioInput |
API for the AudioInput trait. |
AudioOutput |
API for the AudioOutput trait. |
BasicInformation |
API for the BasicInformation trait. |
Binding |
API for the Binding trait. |
BooleanStateConfiguration |
API for the BooleanStateConfiguration trait. |
BooleanState |
API for the BooleanState trait. |
Brightness |
API for the Brightness trait. |
CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
Channel |
API for the Channel trait. |
Clip |
API for the Clip trait. |
ColorControl |
API for the ColorControl trait. |
ContentAppObserver |
API for the ContentAppObserver trait. |
ContentLauncher |
API for the ContentLauncher trait. |
Cook |
API for the Cook trait. |
Descriptor |
API for the Descriptor trait. |
DeviceEnergyManagementMode |
API for the DeviceEnergyManagementMode trait. |
DeviceEnergyManagement |
API for the DeviceEnergyManagement trait. |
DishwasherAlarm |
API for the DishwasherAlarm trait. |
DishwasherMode |
API for the DishwasherMode trait. |
Dispense |
API for the Dispense trait. |
Dock |
API for the Dock trait. |
DoorLock |
API for the DoorLock trait. |
DoorbellPress |
API for the DoorbellPress trait. |
ElectricalEnergyMeasurement |
API for the ElectricalEnergyMeasurement trait. |
ElectricalPowerMeasurement |
API for the ElectricalPowerMeasurement trait. |
ElevatorControl |
API for the ElevatorControl trait. |
EnergyEvseMode |
API for the EnergyEvseMode trait. |
EnergyEvse |
API for the EnergyEvse trait. |
EnergyPreference |
API for the EnergyPreference trait. |
ExtendedAirQuality |
API for the ExtendedAirQuality trait. |
ExtendedApplicationLauncher |
API for the ExtendedApplicationLauncher trait. |
ExtendedChannel |
API for the ExtendedChannel trait. |
ExtendedColorControl |
API for the ExtendedColorControl trait. |
ExtendedFanControl |
API for the ExtendedFanControl trait. |
ExtendedLevelControl |
API for the ExtendedLevelControl trait. |
ExtendedMediaInput |
API for the ExtendedMediaInput trait. |
ExtendedMediaPlayback |
API for the ExtendedMediaPlayback trait. |
ExtendedModeSelect |
API for the ExtendedModeSelect trait. |
ExtendedOperationalState |
API for the ExtendedOperationalState trait. |
ExtendedPowerSource |
API for the ExtendedPowerSource trait. |
ExtendedTemperatureControl |
API for the ExtendedTemperatureControl trait. |
ExtendedThermostat |
API for the ExtendedThermostat trait. |
FanControl |
API for the FanControl trait. |
Fill |
API for the Fill trait. |
FilterMonitoring |
API for the FilterMonitoring trait. |
FixedLabel |
API for the FixedLabel trait. |
FlowMeasurement |
API for the FlowMeasurement trait. |
FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
HepaFilterMonitoring |
API for the HepaFilterMonitoring trait. |
Identify |
API for the Identify trait. |
IlluminanceMeasurement |
API for the IlluminanceMeasurement trait. |
KeypadInput |
API for the KeypadInput trait. |
LaundryDryerControls |
API for the LaundryDryerControls trait. |
LaundryWasherControls |
API for the LaundryWasherControls trait. |
LaundryWasherMode |
API for the LaundryWasherMode trait. |
LeafWetnessMeasurement |
API for the LeafWetnessMeasurement trait. |
LevelControl |
API for the LevelControl trait. |
LightEffects |
API for the LightEffects trait. |
Locator |
API for the Locator trait. |
LockUnlock |
API for the LockUnlock trait. |
LowPower |
API for the LowPower trait. |
Max2FilterMonitoring |
API for the Max2FilterMonitoring trait. |
MediaActivityState |
API for the MediaActivityState trait. |
MediaInput |
API for the MediaInput trait. |
MediaPlayback |
API for the MediaPlayback trait. |
Messages |
API for the Messages trait. |
MicrowaveOvenControl |
API for the MicrowaveOvenControl trait. |
MicrowaveOvenMode |
API for the MicrowaveOvenMode trait. |
ModeSelect |
API for the ModeSelect trait. |
MotionDetection |
API for the MotionDetection trait. |
NetworkControl |
API for the NetworkControl trait. |
NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
ObjectDetection |
API for the ObjectDetection trait. |
OccupancySensing |
API for the OccupancySensing trait. |
OnOff |
API for the OnOff trait. |
OpenClose |
API for the OpenClose trait. |
OperationalState |
API for the OperationalState trait. |
OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor |
API for the OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor trait. |
OvenCavityOperationalState |
API for the OvenCavityOperationalState trait. |
OvenMode |
API for the OvenMode trait. |
OzoneConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the OzoneConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
ParkingLocation |
API for the ParkingLocation trait. |
Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
PowerSource |
API for the PowerSource trait. |
PowerTopology |
API for the PowerTopology trait. |
PreFilterMonitoring |
API for the PreFilterMonitoring trait. |
PressureMeasurement |
API for the PressureMeasurement trait. |
PumpConfigurationAndControl |
API for the PumpConfigurationAndControl trait. |
RadonConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the RadonConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
Reboot |
API for the Reboot trait. |
Record |
API for the Record trait. |
RefrigeratorAlarm |
API for the RefrigeratorAlarm trait. |
RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetMode |
API for the RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetMode trait. |
RelativeHumidityControl |
API for the RelativeHumidityControl trait. |
RelativeHumidityMeasurement |
API for the RelativeHumidityMeasurement trait. |
Rotation |
API for the Rotation trait. |
RvcCleanMode |
API for the RvcCleanMode trait. |
RvcOperationalState |
API for the RvcOperationalState trait. |
RvcRunMode |
API for the RvcRunMode trait. |
SimplifiedOnOff |
API for the SimplifiedOnOff trait. |
SimplifiedThermostat |
API for the SimplifiedThermostat trait. |
SoftwareUpdate |
API for the SoftwareUpdate trait. |
SoilMoistureMeasurement |
API for the SoilMoistureMeasurement trait. |
SpeedMeasurement |
API for the SpeedMeasurement trait. |
Switch |
API for the Switch trait. |
SyntheticSwitch |
API for the SyntheticSwitch trait. |
TargetNavigator |
API for the TargetNavigator trait. |
TemperatureControl |
API for the TemperatureControl trait. |
TemperatureMeasurement |
API for the TemperatureMeasurement trait. |
ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration |
API for the ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration trait. |
Thermostat |
API for the Thermostat trait. |
Timer |
API for the Timer trait. |
Toggles |
API for the Toggles trait. |
TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement |
API for the TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement trait. |
UnitTesting |
API for the UnitTesting trait. |
UserLabel |
API for the UserLabel trait. |
ValveConfigurationAndControl |
API for the ValveConfigurationAndControl trait. |
Volume |
API for the Volume trait. |
WakeOnLan |
API for the WakeOnLan trait. |
WindowCovering |
API for the WindowCovering trait. |
This API provides the ability to invalidate state retrieved through subscriptions to the target device in the cases where state is not being reported correctly, either intentionally (e.g attributes in Matter traits with the "C" quality) or unintentionally due to poor implementations.
When successful, this API will result in a forced read of the convening scope as specified by the sub-class and return the result through existing Trait flows if present and active.
This API is to be used sparingly as it can impact the performance and battery life of the target device. As such, this API may be throttled by the platform. Callers SHALL be prepared to deal with HomeException
s returned from this call.