
object LevelControlTrait.StepWithOnOffCommand : CommandDescriptor

Move a device's level a specific amount over a period of time and toggle the onOff attribute of the OnOff cluster depending on the end value of currentLevel.

If the stepSize used results in a currentLevel that is greater than the maxLevel or less than the minLevel, then the command stops when the currentLevel reaches the maxLevel or minLevel, respectively.

The command may complete in a shorter time than specified for transitionTime if the maxLevel or minLevel is reached before the transition time is over.

If this command sets the currentLevel above the minLevel, the onOff attribute is set to true.

If this command sets the currentLevel to the minLevel, the onOff attribute is set to false.

See also

Use this command from the trait(LevelControl) method.


Nested types

The request payload for the StepWithOnOff command.

Public properties

open String

Unique id corresponding to the command.

Public properties


open val commandIdString

Unique id corresponding to the command.