
object ContentLauncherTrait

Attributes for ContentLauncherTrait.


Nested types

Additional name-value pairs that can be used to identify content.

Attributes for the ContentLauncher cluster.

Branding information that customizes the video player skin.

Inputs to a search for content for display or playback.

A set of dimensions for a background image.

ContentLauncher cluster FeatureMap.

Launch the specified content.

Optional arguments for the command LaunchContentCommand Request

The request payload for the LaunchContent command.

The outcome of the LaunchContent command.

Launch content from the specified URL.

Optional arguments for the command LaunchUrlCommand Request

The request payload for the LaunchUrl command.

The outcome of the LaunchUrl command.

Indicates how a set of dimensions are defined.

Content data elements that may be searched on.

Inputs to a search for content for display or playback.

Launch statuses.

Style information which can be used to change the media player's visual style.

Supported streaming protocols.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId