interface CommandDescriptor
AccountLoginTrait.GetSetupPinCommand |
Determine if the active user account of the given content app matches the active user account of the given commissionee, and if it does, return a setup PIN which can be used to establish a password-authenticated session with the commissionee. |
AccountLoginTrait.LoginCommand |
Allow the content app to assume the user account of the given commissionee by leveraging the setup PIN input by the user during the commissioning process. |
AccountLoginTrait.LogoutCommand |
Instruct the content app to clear the current user account and end the user session. |
ActionsTrait.DisableActionCommand |
Disable an action. |
ActionsTrait.DisableActionWithDurationCommand |
Disable an action for a specified amount of time, then enable it. |
ActionsTrait.EnableActionCommand |
Enable an action. |
ActionsTrait.EnableActionWithDurationCommand |
Enable an action for a specified amount of time, then disable it. |
ActionsTrait.InstantActionCommand |
Trigger an action (state change) on endpoints in an asynchronous manner. |
ActionsTrait.InstantActionWithTransitionCommand |
Trigger an action (state change) on endpoints, specifying how long the state change should take. |
ActionsTrait.PauseActionCommand |
Pause an ongoing action. |
ActionsTrait.PauseActionWithDurationCommand |
Pause an ongoing action for a specified amount of time, after which it resumes. |
ActionsTrait.ResumeActionCommand |
Resume a paused action. |
ActionsTrait.StartActionCommand |
Start an action. |
ActionsTrait.StartActionWithDurationCommand |
Start an action, allow it to run for a specified amount of time, after which it stops. |
ActionsTrait.StopActionCommand |
Stop the ongoing action. |
ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringTrait.ResetConditionCommand |
Reset the |
ApplicationLauncherTrait.HideAppCommand |
Hide the specified app. |
ApplicationLauncherTrait.LaunchAppCommand |
Launches an app. |
ApplicationLauncherTrait.StopAppCommand |
Stop the app. |
ArmDisarmTrait.ArmDisarmCommand |
Sets the alarm level of the device. |
AssistantFulfillmentTrait.OkGoogleCommand |
OkGoogle command execution on a particular device. |
AudioOutputTrait.RenameOutputCommand |
Rename the specified output. |
AudioOutputTrait.SelectOutputCommand |
Change the output on the device to the specified output. |
BasicInformationTrait.MfgSpecificPingCommand |
Send a manufacturer specific ping. |
BooleanStateConfigurationTrait.EnableDisableAlarmCommand |
Enable or disable one or more alarm modes. |
BooleanStateConfigurationTrait.SuppressAlarmCommand |
Suppress one or more alarm modes. |
BrightnessTrait.BrightnessStepCommand |
Incremental step brightness. |
BrightnessTrait.MoveToBrightnessCommand |
Move the brightness of the device to the specified brightness. |
ChannelTrait.CancelRecordProgramCommand |
ChannelTrait.ChangeChannelByNumberCommand |
Change the channel to the channel specified by |
ChannelTrait.ChangeChannelCommand |
Change the channel to the specified channel. |
ChannelTrait.GetProgramGuideCommand |
ChannelTrait.RecordProgramCommand |
ChannelTrait.SkipChannelCommand |
Provides channel up and channel down functionality, by allowing the index of the selected channel to jump by the specified number of steps. |
ClipTrait.SaveScreenshotCommand |
Save a screenshot. |
ClipTrait.SaveVideoClipCommand |
Save a video clip. |
ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopSetCommand |
Cycles the device through its range of hues. |
ColorControlTrait.EnhancedMoveHueCommand |
Change a device's enhanced hue based on a rate of movement. |
ColorControlTrait.EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationCommand |
Move a device from its current enhanced hue and saturation to the provided enhanced hue and saturation. |
ColorControlTrait.EnhancedMoveToHueCommand |
Move a device from its current hue to the provided enhanced hue. |
ColorControlTrait.EnhancedStepHueCommand |
Move a device's enhanced hue a specific amount over a period of time. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveColorCommand |
Move a device from its current color in a continuous fashion according to the rates specified. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveColorTemperatureCommand |
Change a device's color temperature based on a rate of movement. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveHueCommand |
Change a device's hue based on a rate of movement. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveSaturationCommand |
Change a device's saturation based on a rate of movement. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveToColorCommand |
Move a device from its current color to the color given in the |
ColorControlTrait.MoveToColorTemperatureCommand |
Move a device from its current color to a new color, using the scaled inverse of the color temperature, in mireds. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveToHueAndSaturationCommand |
Move a device from its current hue and saturation to the provided hue and saturation. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveToHueCommand |
Move a device from its current hue to the provided hue. |
ColorControlTrait.MoveToSaturationCommand |
Move a device from its current saturation to the provided saturation. |
ColorControlTrait.StepColorCommand |
Move a device from its current color by the specified color step. |
ColorControlTrait.StepColorTemperatureCommand |
Change a device's color temperature a specific amount over a period of time. |
ColorControlTrait.StepHueCommand |
Move a device's hue a specific amount over a period of time. |
ColorControlTrait.StepSaturationCommand |
Move a device's saturation a specific amount over a period of time. |
ColorControlTrait.StopMoveStepCommand |
Stop a MoveTo, Move, or Step command that is currently in process. |
ContentAppObserverTrait.ContentAppMessageCommand |
Send a message to the content app. |
ContentLauncherTrait.LaunchContentCommand |
Launch the specified content. |
ContentLauncherTrait.LaunchUrlCommand |
Launch content from the specified URL. |
CookTrait.CookCommand |
Start or stop cooking. |
DeviceEnergyManagementModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change device modes. |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.CancelPowerAdjustRequestCommand |
Allows a client, such as an EMS, to cancel an ongoing power adjustment request. |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.CancelRequestCommand |
Allows an EMS to request cancellation of a previous adjustment request made in a |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.ModifyForecastRequestCommand |
Allows an EMS to modify a forecast within the limits allowed by the ESA. |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.PauseRequestCommand |
Allows a client to temporarily pause an operation and reduce the energy demand on the ESA. |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.PowerAdjustRequestCommand |
Allows a client, such as an EMS, to request an adjustment in the power consumption of an ESA for a specified duration. |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.RequestConstraintBasedForecastCommand |
Allows an EMS to request the ESA to recompute its forecast based on power and time constraints. |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.ResumeRequestCommand |
Allows a client to cancel the |
DeviceEnergyManagementTrait.StartTimeAdjustRequestCommand |
Allows a client to adjust the start time of a forecast sequence that has not yet started operation. |
DishwasherAlarmTrait.ModifyEnabledAlarmsCommand |
The details of a request to modify an enabled alarm. |
DishwasherAlarmTrait.ResetCommand |
The details of a request to reset active and, if possible, latched alarms. |
DishwasherModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change dishwasher mode. |
DispenseTrait.DispenseCommand |
Start or stop dispensing. |
DockTrait.DockCommand |
Docks the device. |
DoorLockTrait.ClearAliroReaderConfigCommand |
DoorLockTrait.ClearCredentialCommand |
Clear a single credential, one type of credential, or all credentials except |
DoorLockTrait.ClearHolidayScheduleCommand |
Clear the specified holiday schedule, or all holiday schedules. |
DoorLockTrait.ClearUserCommand |
Clear the specified user. |
DoorLockTrait.ClearWeekDayScheduleCommand |
Clear the specified week day schedule or all week day schedules for the specific user. |
DoorLockTrait.ClearYearDayScheduleCommand |
Clear the specified year day schedule, or all year day schedules for the specific user. |
DoorLockTrait.GetCredentialStatusCommand |
Retrieve the status of the specified credential. |
DoorLockTrait.GetHolidayScheduleCommand |
Get the holiday schedule for the specified holiday index. |
DoorLockTrait.GetUserCommand |
Retrieve the user type for a specific user. |
DoorLockTrait.GetWeekDayScheduleCommand |
Retrieve the weekly schedule for the specified user. |
DoorLockTrait.GetYearDayScheduleCommand |
Retrieve the specified year day schedule for the specified user. |
DoorLockTrait.LockDoorCommand |
Lock the door. |
DoorLockTrait.SetAliroReaderConfigCommand |
DoorLockTrait.SetCredentialCommand |
Set a credential into the lock for a new or existing user, or for a programming user. |
DoorLockTrait.SetHolidayScheduleCommand |
Set the holiday schedule by specifying the local start and end time with respect to a specific lock operating mode. |
DoorLockTrait.SetUserCommand |
Set the user on the lock. |
DoorLockTrait.SetWeekDayScheduleCommand |
Set a weekly repeating schedule for the specified user. |
DoorLockTrait.SetYearDayScheduleCommand |
Set a time-specific schedule ID for a specified user. |
DoorLockTrait.UnboltDoorCommand |
Disengage the deadbolt. |
DoorLockTrait.UnlockDoorCommand |
Unlock the door. |
DoorLockTrait.UnlockWithTimeoutCommand |
Unlock the door with a timeout parameter. |
ElevatorControlTrait.CallElevatorCommand |
Call the elevator. |
EnergyEvseModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change device modes. |
EnergyEvseTrait.ClearTargetsCommand |
Allows a client to clear all stored charging targets. |
EnergyEvseTrait.DisableCommand |
Disables the EVSE from charging and discharging. |
EnergyEvseTrait.EnableChargingCommand |
Enables the EVSE to charge an electric vehicle. |
EnergyEvseTrait.EnableDischargingCommand |
Enables the EVSE to discharge an electric vehicle. |
EnergyEvseTrait.GetTargetsCommand |
Allows a client to retrieve the current set of charging targets. |
EnergyEvseTrait.SetTargetsCommand |
Allows a client to set user-specified charging targets. |
EnergyEvseTrait.StartDiagnosticsCommand |
Puts the EVSE into self-diagnostics mode as long as the |
ExtendedApplicationLauncherTrait.InstallAppCommand |
Install the given application. |
ExtendedApplicationLauncherTrait.LaunchAppCommand |
Launch the given application. |
ExtendedApplicationLauncherTrait.SearchAppCommand |
Search for the given application. |
ExtendedChannelTrait.ReturnChannelCommand |
Return to the last/previous channel the user was on. |
ExtendedColorControlTrait.MoveToColorHsvCommand |
Moves a device to the color specified in HSV semantics. |
ExtendedColorControlTrait.MoveToColorNameCommand |
Moves the device to the color named. |
ExtendedColorControlTrait.MoveToColorRgbCommand |
Moves a device to the color specified in RGB semantics. |
ExtendedFanControlTrait.ExtendedStepCommand |
Set the relative speed. |
ExtendedFanControlTrait.ToggleAirflowDirectionCommand |
Reverse the current direction of the airflow. |
ExtendedMediaInputTrait.NextInputCommand |
ExtendedMediaInputTrait.PreviousInputCommand |
ExtendedMediaInputTrait.SelectCustomInputCommand |
ExtendedMediaPlaybackTrait.ClosedCaptioningOffCommand |
ExtendedMediaPlaybackTrait.ClosedCaptioningOnCommand |
ExtendedMediaPlaybackTrait.SetRepeatCommand |
ExtendedMediaPlaybackTrait.ShuffleCommand |
ExtendedModeSelectTrait.ChangeModeSettingsCommand |
ExtendedOperationalStateTrait.StartWithDurationCommand |
Start the device in one or more operation zones for the specified duration. |
ExtendedOperationalStateTrait.StartWithOperationZonesCommand |
Start the device in one or more operation zones. |
ExtendedPowerSourceTrait.StartChargingCommand |
ExtendedPowerSourceTrait.StopChargingCommand |
ExtendedThermostatTrait.NotifySensorStateChangeCommand |
FanControlTrait.StepCommand |
Speed up or slow down the fan, in steps, without the client having to know the fan speed. |
FillTrait.FillCommand |
Fill or drain the device. |
HepaFilterMonitoringTrait.ResetConditionCommand |
Reset the |
IdentifyTrait.IdentifyCommand |
Start or stop the identification state for the receiving device. |
IdentifyTrait.TriggerEffectCommand |
Start an effect that provides visual feedback to the user. |
KeypadInputTrait.SendKeyCommand |
Process a key code as input to the media device. |
LaundryWasherModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change the mode of the device's cluster instance, and set the |
LevelControlTrait.MoveCommand |
Change a device's level based on a rate of movement. |
LevelControlTrait.MoveToClosestFrequencyCommand |
Change a device's current frequency. |
LevelControlTrait.MoveToLevelCommand |
Move a device from its current level to the provided level. |
LevelControlTrait.MoveToLevelWithOnOffCommand |
Move a device from its current level to the provided level and toggle the |
LevelControlTrait.MoveWithOnOffCommand |
Move a device's level based on a rate of movement and toggle the |
LevelControlTrait.StepCommand |
Move a device's level a specific amount over a period of time. |
LevelControlTrait.StepWithOnOffCommand |
Move a device's level a specific amount over a period of time and toggle the |
LevelControlTrait.StopCommand |
Terminate a Move, MoveToLevel, or Step command (including their OnOff variants) currently in progress, and sets the |
LevelControlTrait.StopWithOnOffCommand |
Terminate a Move, MoveToLevel, or Step command (including their OnOff variants) currently in progress, and sets the |
LightEffectsTrait.PulseEffectSetCommand |
Activates the pulse effect. |
LightEffectsTrait.SleepEffectSetCommand |
Activates the sleep effect. |
LightEffectsTrait.StopEffectCommand |
Stops the active effect. |
LightEffectsTrait.WakeEffectSetCommand |
Activates the wake effect. |
LocatorTrait.LocateCommand |
Locate the target device by generating a local alert. |
LocatorTrait.SilenceCommand |
Silence any in-progress alarms on devices that make an audible response for local alerts. |
LockUnlockTrait.LockCommand |
Lock the device. |
LockUnlockTrait.UnlockCommand |
Unlock the device. |
LowPowerTrait.SleepCommand |
Put the device into low power mode. |
MediaInputTrait.HideInputStatusCommand |
Hide the input list on the display. |
MediaInputTrait.RenameInputCommand |
Change the name of the specified input. |
MediaInputTrait.SelectInputCommand |
Change the media input on the device. |
MediaInputTrait.ShowInputStatusCommand |
Show the input list on the display. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.ActivateAudioTrackCommand |
MediaPlaybackTrait.ActivateTextTrackCommand |
MediaPlaybackTrait.DeactivateTextTrackCommand |
MediaPlaybackTrait.FastForwardCommand |
Fast forward the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.NextCommand |
Move to the next item in the media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.PauseCommand |
Pause the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.PlayCommand |
Play the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.PreviousCommand |
Move to the previous item in the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.RewindCommand |
Rewind the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.SeekCommand |
Change the playback position in the current media to the specified position. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.SkipBackwardCommand |
Skip backward by a specified amount of time within the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.SkipForwardCommand |
Skip forward by a specified amount of time within the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.StartOverCommand |
Start over from the beginning of the current media. |
MediaPlaybackTrait.StopCommand |
Stop playing the current media. |
MessagesTrait.CancelMessagesRequestCommand |
Cancels the messages in the passed fields. |
MessagesTrait.PresentMessagesRequestCommand |
Appends the message in the passed fields to the |
MicrowaveOvenControlTrait.AddMoreTimeCommand |
Add more time to the |
MicrowaveOvenControlTrait.SetCookingParametersCommand |
Sets the cooking parameters associated with the operation of the device. |
ModeSelectTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change the mode of the device's cluster instance, and set the |
NetworkControlTrait.EnableDisableGuestNetworkCommand |
Enables or disables the guest network. |
NetworkControlTrait.EnableDisableNetworkProfileCommand |
Enables or disables a network profile. |
NetworkControlTrait.GetGuestNetworkPasswordCommand |
Gets the password of the guest network. |
NetworkControlTrait.TestNetworkSpeedCommand |
Tests the network's download and upload speed. |
NotificationTrait.SendNotificationsCommand |
Send a notification to structure members. |
OnOffTrait.OffCommand |
Turn off the device, and set the |
OnOffTrait.OffWithEffectCommand |
Allow devices to be turned off using enhanced ways of fading. |
OnOffTrait.OnCommand |
Turn on the device, and set the |
OnOffTrait.OnWithRecallGlobalSceneCommand |
Allow the recall of the settings (global scene) the device had when the device was turned off. |
OnOffTrait.OnWithTimedOffCommand |
Allow the device to be turned on for a specific duration with a guarded off duration so that, should the device be subsequently turned off, further |
OnOffTrait.ToggleCommand |
If the device is off, turn the device on and set the |
OpenCloseTrait.CloseCommand |
Fully close the device. |
OpenCloseTrait.GoToOpenPercentageCommand |
Open the device to a specific percentage, where 0 is closed and 100 is fully open. |
OpenCloseTrait.OpenCommand |
Fully open the device. |
OpenCloseTrait.StepCommand |
Adjust the open-close state of the device relative to the current state. |
OperationalStateTrait.PauseCommand |
Pause the device if possible, based on the current operation underway. |
OperationalStateTrait.ResumeCommand |
Resume operation if the device is in a state where it can be resumed. |
OperationalStateTrait.StartCommand |
Start the device if the device is in a state where it can be started. |
OperationalStateTrait.StopCommand |
Stop the device if possible, based on the current operation underway. |
OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorTrait.AnnounceOtaProviderCommand |
Announce the presence of a particular OTA provider. |
OvenCavityOperationalStateTrait.PauseCommand |
Pause the oven if possible, based on the current operation underway. |
OvenCavityOperationalStateTrait.ResumeCommand |
Resume operation if the oven is in a state where it can be resumed. |
OvenCavityOperationalStateTrait.StartCommand |
Start the oven if it is in a state where it can be started. |
OvenCavityOperationalStateTrait.StopCommand |
Stop the oven if possible, based on the current operation underway. |
OvenModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change device modes. |
RebootTrait.RebootCommand |
Reboots the device. |
RecordTrait.StartRecordingCommand |
Starts recording whatever is currently playing. |
RecordTrait.StopRecordingCommand |
Stops recording whatever is currently playing. |
RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change device modes. |
RelativeHumidityControlTrait.SetRelativeHumidityCommand |
Set the relative humidity level to a specific value. |
RelativeHumidityControlTrait.StepRelativeHumidityCommand |
Increase or decrease the relative humidity. |
RotationTrait.RotateToDegreesCommand |
Sets the absolute rotation in degrees. |
RotationTrait.RotateToPercentageCommand |
Sets the absolute rotation in percentage. |
RvcCleanModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change the mode of the device's cluster instance, and set the |
RvcOperationalStateTrait.GoHomeCommand |
Send the device to its home base. |
RvcOperationalStateTrait.PauseCommand |
Pause the device if possible, based on the current operation underway. |
RvcOperationalStateTrait.ResumeCommand |
Resume operation if the device is in a state where it can be resumed. |
RvcRunModeTrait.ChangeToModeCommand |
Change the mode of the device's cluster instance, and set the |
SimplifiedThermostatTrait.SetSystemModeCommand |
Set the system mode. |
SoftwareUpdateTrait.SoftwareUpdateCommand |
Updates the device with the latest software. |
TargetNavigatorTrait.NavigateTargetCommand |
Navigate the UX to the identified target. |
TemperatureControlTrait.SetTemperatureCommand |
Set the desired temperature. |
ThermostatTrait.CancelPresetsSchedulesEditRequestCommand |
ThermostatTrait.CancelSetActivePresetRequestCommand |
ThermostatTrait.ClearWeeklyScheduleCommand |
Clear the weekly schedule. |
ThermostatTrait.CommitPresetsSchedulesRequestCommand |
ThermostatTrait.GetWeeklyScheduleCommand |
Get the weekly schedule for the device. |
ThermostatTrait.SetActivePresetRequestCommand |
ThermostatTrait.SetActiveScheduleRequestCommand |
ThermostatTrait.SetTemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyCommand |
ThermostatTrait.SetWeeklyScheduleCommand |
Set the weekly schedule. |
ThermostatTrait.SetpointRaiseLowerCommand |
Change the setpoint for the current thermostat mode. |
ThermostatTrait.StartPresetsSchedulesEditRequestCommand |
TimerTrait.TimerAdjustCommand |
Adjusts the device timer duration. |
TimerTrait.TimerCancelCommand |
Cancels the device timer. |
TimerTrait.TimerPauseCommand |
Pauses the device timer. |
TimerTrait.TimerResumeCommand |
Resumes the device timer. |
TimerTrait.TimerStartCommand |
Starts a new device timer. |
TogglesTrait.ChangeToggleSettingsCommand |
UnitTestingTrait.SimpleStructEchoRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestAddArgumentsCommand |
Simple command that adds the two arguments passed to it. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestBatchHelperRequestCommand |
UnitTestingTrait.TestCommand |
Simple command without any parameters and without a specific response. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestComplexNullableOptionalRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestDifferentVendorMeiRequestCommand |
UnitTestingTrait.TestEmitTestEventRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestEnumsRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestListInt8UArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestListInt8UReverseRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestListStructArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestNestedStructArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestNestedStructListArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestNotHandledCommand |
Simple command without any parameters and without a specific response not handled by the server. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestNullableOptionalRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestSecondBatchHelperRequestCommand |
UnitTestingTrait.TestSimpleArgumentRequestCommand |
Command that takes a boolean argument. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestSpecificCommand |
Simple command without any parameters and with a specific response. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestStructArgumentRequestCommand |
Unit test command. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestStructArrayArgumentRequestCommand |
Command that takes various arguments that are arrays, including an array of structs which have a list member. |
UnitTestingTrait.TestUnknownCommandCommand |
Simple command that should not be added to the server. |
UnitTestingTrait.TimedInvokeRequestCommand |
TimedInvokeRequest command |
ValveConfigurationAndControlTrait.CloseCommand |
Set the valve to its closed position. |
ValveConfigurationAndControlTrait.OpenCommand |
Set the valve to its open position. |
VolumeTrait.MoveToVolumeCommand |
Move the volume of the device to the specified volume. |
VolumeTrait.MuteCommand |
Mutes the device. |
VolumeTrait.UnmuteCommand |
Unmutes the device and sets the volume to the last non-zero volume. |
VolumeTrait.VolumeStepCommand |
Incremental step volume. |
WindowCoveringTrait.DownOrCloseCommand |
Adjust the window covering position so the physical lift or slide and tilt is at the maximum closed or down position. |
WindowCoveringTrait.GoToLiftPercentageCommand |
Adjust the window covering to the specified lift position. |
WindowCoveringTrait.GoToLiftValueCommand |
Adjust the window covering to the specified lift position. |
WindowCoveringTrait.GoToTiltPercentageCommand |
Adjust the window covering to the specified tilt position. |
WindowCoveringTrait.GoToTiltValueCommand |
Adjust the window covering to the specified tilt position. |
WindowCoveringTrait.StopMotionCommand |
Stop any adjustments to physical tilt and lift or slide that is currently underway. |
WindowCoveringTrait.UpOrOpenCommand |
Adjust the window covering position so the physical lift or slide and tilt is at the maximum open or up position. |
Interface implemented by every trait command.