
object ElectricalPowerMeasurementTrait

Attributes for ElectricalPowerMeasurementTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the ElectricalPowerMeasurement cluster.

ElectricalPowerMeasurement Trait FeatureMap.

Measurements of various harmonics.

The accuracy of a measurement for a range of measurement values, shown as a maximum +/- percentage of the true value, a maximum +/- fixed value of the true value, or both.

The set of accuracy ranges for a given measurement, the maximum and minimum values for the measurement, and whether the measurement is directly measured or only estimated from other existing information.

The start and end times for measurement periods as determined by the server.

The maximum and minimum values of a given measurement type during a measurement period, along with the observation times of these values.

The type of measurement.

The type of current.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId