
@Generated(value = ["GoogleHomePlatformCodegen"])
interface ColorControlCommands


API for the ColorControl trait.


Public functions

suspend Unit
    updateFlags: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopUpdateFlags,
    action: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopAction,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopDirection,
    time: UShort,
    startHue: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Cycles the device through its range of hues.

    updateFlags: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopUpdateFlags,
    action: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopAction,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopDirection,
    time: UShort,
    startHue: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of colorLoopSet command.

suspend Unit
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Change a device's enhanced hue based on a rate of movement.

    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of enhancedMoveHue command.

suspend Unit
    enhancedHue: UShort,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current hue to the provided enhanced hue.

suspend Unit
    enhancedHue: UShort,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current enhanced hue and saturation to the provided enhanced hue and saturation.

    enhancedHue: UShort,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command.

    enhancedHue: UShort,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of enhancedMoveToHue command.

suspend Unit
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device's enhanced hue a specific amount over a period of time.

    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of enhancedStepHue command.

suspend Unit
    rateX: Short,
    rateY: Short,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current color in a continuous fashion according to the rates specified.

    rateX: Short,
    rateY: Short,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveColor command.

suspend Unit
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Change a device's color temperature based on a rate of movement.

    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveColorTemperature command.

suspend Unit
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Change a device's hue based on a rate of movement.

    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveHue command.

suspend Unit
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Change a device's saturation based on a rate of movement.

    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveSaturation command.

suspend Unit
    colorX: UShort,
    colorY: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current color to the color given in the colorX and colorY parameters.

    colorX: UShort,
    colorY: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveToColor command.

suspend Unit
    colorTemperatureMireds: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current color to a new color, using the scaled inverse of the color temperature, in mireds.

    colorTemperatureMireds: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveToColorTemperature command.

suspend Unit
    hue: UByte,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current hue to the provided hue.

suspend Unit
    hue: UByte,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current hue and saturation to the provided hue and saturation.

    hue: UByte,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveToHueAndSaturation command.

    hue: UByte,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveToHue command.

suspend Unit
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current saturation to the provided saturation.

    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of moveToSaturation command.

suspend Unit
    stepX: Short,
    stepY: Short,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device from its current color by the specified color step.

    stepX: Short,
    stepY: Short,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of stepColor command.

suspend Unit
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Change a device's color temperature a specific amount over a period of time.

    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of stepColorTemperature command.

suspend Unit
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device's hue a specific amount over a period of time.

    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of stepHue command.

suspend Unit
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

Move a device's saturation a specific amount over a period of time.

    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte

The batchable version of stepSaturation command.

suspend Unit
stopMoveStep(optionsMask: UByte, optionsOverride: UByte)

Stop a MoveTo, Move, or Step command that is currently in process.

stopMoveStepBatchable(optionsMask: UByte, optionsOverride: UByte)

The batchable version of stopMoveStep command.

Public functions


suspend fun colorLoopSet(
    updateFlags: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopUpdateFlags,
    action: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopAction,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopDirection,
    time: UShort,
    startHue: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Cycles the device through its range of hues.

updateFlags: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopUpdateFlags

The attributes to update before the color loop starts. See ColorLoopUpdateFlags for the list of flags to use.

action: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopAction

The action to take if updateAction is set in updateFlags. Must be a value from the ColorLoopAction enum.

direction: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopDirection

The direction of the color loop if updateDirection is set in updateFlags. Must be a value from the ColorLoopDirection enum.

time: UShort

The number of seconds over which to perform the full color loop if updateTime is set in updateFlags.

startHue: UShort

The starting hue to use if updateStartHue is set in updateFlags.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun colorLoopSetBatchable(
    updateFlags: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopUpdateFlags,
    action: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopAction,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopDirection,
    time: UShort,
    startHue: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of colorLoopSet command.

Cycles the device through its range of hues.

updateFlags: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopUpdateFlags

The attributes to update before the color loop starts. See ColorLoopUpdateFlags for the list of flags to use.

action: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopAction

The action to take if updateAction is set in updateFlags. Must be a value from the ColorLoopAction enum.

direction: ColorControlTrait.ColorLoopDirection

The direction of the color loop if updateDirection is set in updateFlags. Must be a value from the ColorLoopDirection enum.

time: UShort

The number of seconds over which to perform the full color loop if updateTime is set in updateFlags.

startHue: UShort

The starting hue to use if updateStartHue is set in updateFlags.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun enhancedMoveHue(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Change a device's enhanced hue based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode

The direction in which to move the enhanced hue. This must be one of the values in HueMoveMode.

rate: UShort

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's enhancedCurrentHue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun enhancedMoveHueBatchable(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of enhancedMoveHue command.

Change a device's enhanced hue based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode

The direction in which to move the enhanced hue. This must be one of the values in HueMoveMode.

rate: UShort

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's enhancedCurrentHue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun enhancedMoveToHue(
    enhancedHue: UShort,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current hue to the provided enhanced hue.

enhancedHue: UShort

The enhanced hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 65534.

direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection

The direction in which to move the enhanced hue. This must be one of the values in HueDirection.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


suspend fun enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation(
    enhancedHue: UShort,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current enhanced hue and saturation to the provided enhanced hue and saturation.

enhancedHue: UShort

The enhanced hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 65534.

saturation: UByte

The saturation to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new enhanced hue and saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturationBatchable(
    enhancedHue: UShort,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command.

Move a device from its current enhanced hue and saturation to the provided enhanced hue and saturation.

enhancedHue: UShort

The enhanced hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 65534.

saturation: UByte

The saturation to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new enhanced hue and saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




fun enhancedMoveToHueBatchable(
    enhancedHue: UShort,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of enhancedMoveToHue command.

Move a device from its current hue to the provided enhanced hue.

enhancedHue: UShort

The enhanced hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 65534.

direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection

The direction in which to move the enhanced hue. This must be one of the values in HueDirection.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun enhancedStepHue(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device's enhanced hue a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode

The direction in which to move the enhanced hue. This must be one of the values in HueStepMode.

stepSize: UShort

The amount of units to move the device's enhancedCurrentHue to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new enhanced hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun enhancedStepHueBatchable(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of enhancedStepHue command.

Move a device's enhanced hue a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode

The direction in which to move the enhanced hue. This must be one of the values in HueStepMode.

stepSize: UShort

The amount of units to move the device's enhancedCurrentHue to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new enhanced hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveColor(
    rateX: Short,
    rateY: Short,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current color in a continuous fashion according to the rates specified.

This command will continue to process until the target color for the next step cannot be implemented on the device.

Setting both rateX and rateY to 0 stops any previously received command of the ColorControl cluster.

rateX: Short

The rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change of one unit to the currentX attribute.

rateY: Short

The rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change of one unit to the currentY attribute.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveColorBatchable(
    rateX: Short,
    rateY: Short,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveColor command.

Move a device from its current color in a continuous fashion according to the rates specified.

This command will continue to process until the target color for the next step cannot be implemented on the device.

Setting both rateX and rateY to 0 stops any previously received command of the ColorControl cluster.

rateX: Short

The rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change of one unit to the currentX attribute.

rateY: Short

The rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change of one unit to the currentY attribute.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveColorTemperature(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Change a device's color temperature based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode

The direction in which to move the color temperature. This must be one of the values in HueMoveMode.

rate: UShort

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's colorTemperatureMireds.

colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort

The lower bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTempPhysicalMinMireds and colorTemperatureMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMinMireds is used as the lower bound.

colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort

The upper bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTemperatureMireds and colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds is used as the upper bound.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveColorTemperatureBatchable(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveColorTemperature command.

Change a device's color temperature based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode

The direction in which to move the color temperature. This must be one of the values in HueMoveMode.

rate: UShort

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's colorTemperatureMireds.

colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort

The lower bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTempPhysicalMinMireds and colorTemperatureMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMinMireds is used as the lower bound.

colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort

The upper bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTemperatureMireds and colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds is used as the upper bound.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveHue(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Change a device's hue based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode

The direction in which to move the hue. This must be one of the values in HueMoveMode.

rate: UByte

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's currentHue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveHueBatchable(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveHue command.

Change a device's hue based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.HueMoveMode

The direction in which to move the hue. This must be one of the values in HueMoveMode.

rate: UByte

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's currentHue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveSaturation(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Change a device's saturation based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationMoveMode

The direction in which to move the saturation. This must be one of the values in SaturationMoveMode.

rate: UByte

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's currentSaturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveSaturationBatchable(
    moveMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationMoveMode,
    rate: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveSaturation command.

Change a device's saturation based on a rate of movement.

moveMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationMoveMode

The direction in which to move the saturation. This must be one of the values in SaturationMoveMode.

rate: UByte

The rate (in steps per seconds) used to change the device's currentSaturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveToColor(
    colorX: UShort,
    colorY: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current color to the color given in the colorX and colorY parameters.

colorX: UShort

The normalized chromaticity value x, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, to move the device's color to.

colorY: UShort

The normalized chromaticity value y, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, to move the device's color to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveToColorBatchable(
    colorX: UShort,
    colorY: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveToColor command.

Move a device from its current color to the color given in the colorX and colorY parameters.

colorX: UShort

The normalized chromaticity value x, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, to move the device's color to.

colorY: UShort

The normalized chromaticity value y, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, to move the device's color to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveToColorTemperature(
    colorTemperatureMireds: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current color to a new color, using the scaled inverse of the color temperature, in mireds.

colorTemperatureMireds: UShort

The color temperature, in mireds, to move the device to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color temperature.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveToColorTemperatureBatchable(
    colorTemperatureMireds: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveToColorTemperature command.

Move a device from its current color to a new color, using the scaled inverse of the color temperature, in mireds.

colorTemperatureMireds: UShort

The color temperature, in mireds, to move the device to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color temperature.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveToHue(
    hue: UByte,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current hue to the provided hue.

hue: UByte

The hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection

The direction in which to move the hue. This must be one of the values in HueDirection.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


suspend fun moveToHueAndSaturation(
    hue: UByte,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current hue and saturation to the provided hue and saturation.

hue: UByte

The hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

saturation: UByte

The saturation to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue and saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveToHueAndSaturationBatchable(
    hue: UByte,
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveToHueAndSaturation command.

Move a device from its current hue and saturation to the provided hue and saturation.

hue: UByte

The hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

saturation: UByte

The saturation to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue and saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




fun moveToHueBatchable(
    hue: UByte,
    direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveToHue command.

Move a device from its current hue to the provided hue.

hue: UByte

The hue to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

direction: ColorControlTrait.HueDirection

The direction in which to move the hue. This must be one of the values in HueDirection.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun moveToSaturation(
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current saturation to the provided saturation.

saturation: UByte

The saturation to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun moveToSaturationBatchable(
    saturation: UByte,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of moveToSaturation command.

Move a device from its current saturation to the provided saturation.

saturation: UByte

The saturation to be moved to. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun stepColor(
    stepX: Short,
    stepY: Short,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device from its current color by the specified color step.

If the required step is larger than supported by the stepX and stepY parameters, use this command multiple times.

stepX: Short

The change to be added to the device's currentX attribute.

stepY: Short

The change to be added to the device's currentY attribute.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun stepColorBatchable(
    stepX: Short,
    stepY: Short,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of stepColor command.

Move a device from its current color by the specified color step.

If the required step is larger than supported by the stepX and stepY parameters, use this command multiple times.

stepX: Short

The change to be added to the device's currentX attribute.

stepY: Short

The change to be added to the device's currentY attribute.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun stepColorTemperature(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Change a device's color temperature a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode

The direction in which to move the color temperature. This must be one of the values in HueStepMode.

stepSize: UShort

The amount of units to move the device's colorTemperatureMireds to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color temperature.

colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort

The lower bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTempPhysicalMinMireds and colorTemperatureMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMinMireds is used as the lower bound.

colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort

The upper bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTemperatureMireds and colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds is used as the upper bound.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun stepColorTemperatureBatchable(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UShort,
    transitionTime: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort,
    colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of stepColorTemperature command.

Change a device's color temperature a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode

The direction in which to move the color temperature. This must be one of the values in HueStepMode.

stepSize: UShort

The amount of units to move the device's colorTemperatureMireds to.

transitionTime: UShort

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new color temperature.

colorTemperatureMinimumMireds: UShort

The lower bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTempPhysicalMinMireds and colorTemperatureMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMinMireds is used as the lower bound.

colorTemperatureMaximumMireds: UShort

The upper bound of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the command. This value must be between the colorTemperatureMireds and colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds attributes. If this value is set to 0, colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds is used as the upper bound.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun stepHue(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device's hue a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode

The direction in which to move the hue. This must be one of the values in HueStepMode.

stepSize: UByte

The amount of units to move the device's currentHue to.

transitionTime: UByte

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun stepHueBatchable(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of stepHue command.

Move a device's hue a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.HueStepMode

The direction in which to move the hue. This must be one of the values in HueStepMode.

stepSize: UByte

The amount of units to move the device's currentHue to.

transitionTime: UByte

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new hue.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun stepSaturation(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): Unit

Move a device's saturation a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationStepMode

The direction in which to move the saturation. This must be one of the values in SaturationStepMode.

stepSize: UByte

The amount of units to move the device's currentSaturation to.

transitionTime: UByte

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun stepSaturationBatchable(
    stepMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationStepMode,
    stepSize: UByte,
    transitionTime: UByte,
    optionsMask: UByte,
    optionsOverride: UByte
): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of stepSaturation command.

Move a device's saturation a specific amount over a period of time.

stepMode: ColorControlTrait.SaturationStepMode

The direction in which to move the saturation. This must be one of the values in SaturationStepMode.

stepSize: UByte

The amount of units to move the device's currentSaturation to.

transitionTime: UByte

The time (in 0.1 seconds) taken to move the device to the new saturation.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.




suspend fun stopMoveStep(optionsMask: UByte, optionsOverride: UByte): Unit

Stop a MoveTo, Move, or Step command that is currently in process.

The currentHue, enhancedCurrentHue, and currentSaturation attributes are left at their present value upon receipt of this command, and the remainingTime attribute is set to 0.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.


fun stopMoveStepBatchable(optionsMask: UByte, optionsOverride: UByte): BatchableCommand<Unit>

The batchable version of stopMoveStep command.

Stop a MoveTo, Move, or Step command that is currently in process.

The currentHue, enhancedCurrentHue, and currentSaturation attributes are left at their present value upon receipt of this command, and the remainingTime attribute is set to 0.

optionsMask: UByte

Determines which bits in the options attribute should be overridden by optionsOverride.

optionsOverride: UByte

If the corresponding bit in optionsMask is set to 1, the bit set here overrides the corresponding bit in options attribute.

