
interface ColorControlTrait.Attributes


API for the ColorControl trait.

Attributes for the ColorControl cluster.


Public properties


A list of client-generated commands which are supported by this cluster server instance.


A list of the attribute IDs of the attributes supported by the cluster instance.


The revision of the server cluster specification supported by the cluster instance.


The color capabilities that the device supports.


The current active status of the color loop.


The current direction of the color loop.


The value of the enhancedCurrentHue attribute from which to start the color loop.


The value of the enhancedCurrentHue attribute before the color loop was started.


The number of seconds it takes to perform a full color loop.


The attributes that are currently determining the color of the device.


A representation of the relative intensity of the blue color point as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the color point with the highest relative intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current blue color point of the device.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current blue color point of the device.


A representation of the relative intensity of the green color point as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the color point with the highest relative intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current green color point of the device.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current green color point of the device.


A representation of the relative intensity of the red color point as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the color point with the highest relative intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current red color point of the device.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current red color point of the device.


The maximum mired value supported by the device.


The minimum mired value supported by the device.


A scaled inverse of the current value of the color temperature, in mireds.


A textual indication of what mechanism, if any, is in use to compensate for color or intensity drift over time.


Specifies a lower bound on the value of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the purposes of coupling the colorTemperatureMireds attribute to the currentLevel attribute when the coupleColorTempToLevel bit of the options attribute of the LevelControl cluster is equal to 1.


The current hue value of the light.


The current saturation value of the light.


The current value of the normalized chromaticity value x, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The current value of the normalized chromaticity value y, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The mechanism that is in use for compensation for color/intensity drift over time.


The attributes that are currently determining the color of the device.


Represents non-equidistant steps along the CIE 1931 color triangle.


Whether the server supports zero or more optional cluster features.


A list of server-generated commands (server to client) which are supported by this cluster server instance.


The number of color primaries implemented on the device.


A bitmap that determines the default behavior of some cluster commands.


A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.


The time remaining (in 0.1 seconds) until the current command is complete.


The desired startup color temperature value when a device is supplied with power.


The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current white point of the device.


The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current white point of the device.

Public properties


val acceptedCommandListList<UInt>

A list of client-generated commands which are supported by this cluster server instance.


val attributeListList<UInt>

A list of the attribute IDs of the attributes supported by the cluster instance.


val clusterRevisionUShort

The revision of the server cluster specification supported by the cluster instance.


val colorCapabilitiesUShort?

The color capabilities that the device supports. This is a bitmap that corresponds to the values in ColorControlTrait.ColorCapabilities.

Access type: Read


val colorLoopActiveUByte?

The current active status of the color loop. A value of 1 indicates an active color loop. A value of 0 indicates an inactive color loop.

Access type: Read


val colorLoopDirectionUByte?

The current direction of the color loop. If the value is 1, the enhancedCurrentHue attribute is incremented. If the value is 0, the enhancedCurrentHue attribute is decremented.

Access type: Read


val colorLoopStartEnhancedHueUShort?

The value of the enhancedCurrentHue attribute from which to start the color loop.

Access type: Read


val colorLoopStoredEnhancedHueUShort?

The value of the enhancedCurrentHue attribute before the color loop was started. enhancedCurrentHue is changed back to this value once the color loop is complete.

Access type: Read


val colorLoopTimeUShort?

The number of seconds it takes to perform a full color loop.

Access type: Read


val colorModeUByte?

The attributes that are currently determining the color of the device. Must be one of the values in the ColorMode enum.

Access type: Read


val colorPointBIntensityUByte?

A representation of the relative intensity of the blue color point as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the color point with the highest relative intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this value is invalid.

Access type: Write


val colorPointBxUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current blue color point of the device.

Access type: Write


val colorPointByUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current blue color point of the device.

Access type: Write


val colorPointGIntensityUByte?

A representation of the relative intensity of the green color point as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the color point with the highest relative intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this value is invalid.

Access type: Write


val colorPointGxUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current green color point of the device.

Access type: Write


val colorPointGyUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current green color point of the device.

Access type: Write


val colorPointRIntensityUByte?

A representation of the relative intensity of the red color point as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the color point with the highest relative intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this value is invalid.

Access type: Write


val colorPointRxUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current red color point of the device.

Access type: Write


val colorPointRyUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current red color point of the device.

Access type: Write


val colorTempPhysicalMaxMiredsUShort?

The maximum mired value supported by the device. This value must be greater than or equal to colorTemperatureMireds.

Access type: Read


val colorTempPhysicalMinMiredsUShort?

The minimum mired value supported by the device. This value must be less than or equal to colorTemperatureMireds.

Access type: Read


val colorTemperatureMiredsUShort?

A scaled inverse of the current value of the color temperature, in mireds.

Access type: Read


val compensationTextString?

A textual indication of what mechanism, if any, is in use to compensate for color or intensity drift over time.

Access type: Read


val coupleColorTempToLevelMinMiredsUShort?

Specifies a lower bound on the value of the colorTemperatureMireds attribute for the purposes of coupling the colorTemperatureMireds attribute to the currentLevel attribute when the coupleColorTempToLevel bit of the options attribute of the LevelControl cluster is equal to 1.

Access type: Read


val currentHueUByte?

The current hue value of the light. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

Access type: Read


val currentSaturationUByte?

The current saturation value of the light. The valid range of values is 0 to 254.

Access type: Read


val currentXUShort?

The current value of the normalized chromaticity value x, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val currentYUShort?

The current value of the normalized chromaticity value y, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val driftCompensationUByte?

The mechanism that is in use for compensation for color/intensity drift over time. Valid values are:

  • 0 — None
  • 1 — Other / Unknown
  • 2 — Temperature monitoring
  • 3 — Optical luminance monitoring and feedback
  • 4 — Optical color monitoring and feedback

Access type: Read


val enhancedColorModeUByte?

The attributes that are currently determining the color of the device. Valid values are:

Access type: Read


val enhancedCurrentHueUShort?

Represents non-equidistant steps along the CIE 1931 color triangle.

Access type: Read


val featureMapColorControlTrait.Feature

Whether the server supports zero or more optional cluster features. A cluster feature is a set of cluster elements that are mandatory or optional for a defined feature of the cluster. If a cluster feature is supported by the cluster instance, then the corresponding bit is set to 1, otherwise the bit is set to 0 (zero).


val generatedCommandListList<UInt>

A list of server-generated commands (server to client) which are supported by this cluster server instance.


val numberOfPrimariesUByte?

The number of color primaries implemented on the device. If null, the number of primaries is unknown.

Access type: Read


val optionsUByte?

A bitmap that determines the default behavior of some cluster commands. This should only be changed during commissioning. A ColorControl command does not continue beyond options processing if all of the following are true:

  • The OnOff cluster exists on the same endpoint as this cluster.
  • The onOff attribute of the OnOff cluster on this endpoint is false.
  • The value of the executeIfOff bit is 0.
This bitmap has the following valid bits:
  • Bit 0 — ExecuteIfOff

Access type: Write


val primary1IntensityUByte?

A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this primary is not available.

Access type: Read


val primary1XUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary1YUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary2IntensityUByte?

A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this primary is not available.

Access type: Read


val primary2XUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary2YUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary3IntensityUByte?

A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this primary is not available.

Access type: Read


val primary3XUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary3YUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary4IntensityUByte?

A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this primary is not available.

Access type: Read


val primary4XUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary4YUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary5IntensityUByte?

A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this primary is not available.

Access type: Read


val primary5XUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary5YUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary6IntensityUByte?

A representation of the maximum intensity of this primary as defined in the Dimming Light Curve in the BallastConfiguration cluster, normalized such that the primary with the highest maximum intensity contains the value 0xfe. If null, this primary is not available.

Access type: Read


val primary6XUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val primary6YUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space.

Access type: Read


val remainingTimeUShort?

The time remaining (in 0.1 seconds) until the current command is complete.

Access type: Read


val startUpColorTemperatureMiredsUShort?

The desired startup color temperature value when a device is supplied with power. The colorTemperatureMireds attribute is updated to this value. Setting this value to null sets colorTemperatureMireds to its previous value.

Access type: Write


val whitePointXUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value x for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current white point of the device.

Access type: Write


val whitePointYUShort?

The normalized chromaticity value y for this primary, as defined in the CIE xyY Color Space, of the current white point of the device.

Access type: Write