
object UnitTestingTrait

Attributes for UnitTestingTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the UnitTesting cluster.










A simple enum, as used by commands such as TestEmitTestEventRequestCommand and TestComplexNullableOptionalRequestCommand.


Unit test command.

The request payload for the SimpleStructEchoRequest command.

Simple command that adds the two arguments passed to it.

The request payload for the TestAddArguments command.

Simple command without any parameters and without a specific response.

The request payload for the Test command.

Unit test command.

Optional arguments for the command TestComplexNullableOptionalRequestCommand Request

The request payload for the TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestEmitTestEventRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestEnumsRequest command.


Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestListInt8UArgumentRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestListInt8UReverseRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestListStructArgumentRequest command.


Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestNestedStructArgumentRequest command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest command.

Simple command without any parameters and without a specific response not handled by the server.

The request payload for the TestNotHandled command.

Unit test command.

Optional arguments for the command TestNullableOptionalRequestCommand Request

The request payload for the TestNullableOptionalRequest command.

Command that takes a boolean argument.

The request payload for the TestSimpleArgumentRequest command.

Unit test command.

Optional arguments for the command TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequestCommand Request

The request payload for the TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest command.

Simple command without any parameters and with a specific response.

The request payload for the TestSpecific command.

Unit test command.

The request payload for the TestStructArgumentRequest command.

Command that takes various arguments that are arrays, including an array of structs which have a list member.

The request payload for the TestStructArrayArgumentRequest command.

Simple command that should not be added to the server.

The request payload for the TestUnknownCommand command.

TimedInvokeRequest command

The request payload for the TimedInvokeRequest command.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId