
object OnOffTrait

Attributes for OnOffTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the OnOff cluster.

Delayed fading effects for lighting.

Dying effects for lighting.

Fading effect types for use with lighting.

OnOff cluster FeatureMap.

Turn off the device, and set the onOff attribute to false.

The request payload for the Off command.

Allow devices to be turned off using enhanced ways of fading.

The request payload for the OffWithEffect command.

Turn on the device, and set the onOff attribute to true.

The request payload for the On command.

Flags for cluster control.

Allow the recall of the settings (global scene) the device had when the device was turned off.

The request payload for the OnWithRecallGlobalScene command.

Allow the device to be turned on for a specific duration with a guarded off duration so that, should the device be subsequently turned off, further OnWithTimedOff commands received during this time are prevented from turning the devices back on.

The request payload for the OnWithTimedOff command.

Startup behaviors for a device.

If the device is off, turn the device on and set the onOff attribute to true.

The request payload for the Toggle command.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId