
object ColorControlTrait

Attributes for ColorControlTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the ColorControl cluster.

The color capabilities that the device supports.

The action to take for a color loop.

The direction for a color loop.

Cycles the device through its range of hues.

The request payload for the ColorLoopSet command.

Specifies which color loop attributes to update before a color loop from the ColorLoopSet command starts.

The attributes that determine the current color of the device.

Change a device's enhanced hue based on a rate of movement.

The request payload for the EnhancedMoveHue command.

Move a device from its current enhanced hue and saturation to the provided enhanced hue and saturation.

The request payload for the EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation command.

Move a device from its current hue to the provided enhanced hue.

The request payload for the EnhancedMoveToHue command.

Move a device's enhanced hue a specific amount over a period of time.

The request payload for the EnhancedStepHue command.

ColorControl cluster FeatureMap.

The direction in which to move a device's hue along the hue circle.

The direction in which to move a device's hue.

The direction in which to step a device's hue.

Move a device from its current color in a continuous fashion according to the rates specified.

The request payload for the MoveColor command.

Change a device's color temperature based on a rate of movement.

The request payload for the MoveColorTemperature command.

Change a device's hue based on a rate of movement.

The request payload for the MoveHue command.

Change a device's saturation based on a rate of movement.

The request payload for the MoveSaturation command.

Move a device from its current color to the color given in the colorX and colorY parameters.

The request payload for the MoveToColor command.

Move a device from its current color to a new color, using the scaled inverse of the color temperature, in mireds.

The request payload for the MoveToColorTemperature command.

Move a device from its current hue and saturation to the provided hue and saturation.

The request payload for the MoveToHueAndSaturation command.

Move a device from its current hue to the provided hue.

The request payload for the MoveToHue command.

Move a device from its current saturation to the provided saturation.

The request payload for the MoveToSaturation command.

The direction in which to move a device's saturation.

The direction in which to step a device's saturation.

Move a device from its current color by the specified color step.

The request payload for the StepColor command.

Change a device's color temperature a specific amount over a period of time.

The request payload for the StepColorTemperature command.

Move a device's hue a specific amount over a period of time.

The request payload for the StepHue command.

Move a device's saturation a specific amount over a period of time.

The request payload for the StepSaturation command.

Stop a MoveTo, Move, or Step command that is currently in process.

The request payload for the StopMoveStep command.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId