
object LevelControlTrait

Attributes for LevelControlTrait.


Nested types

Attributes for the LevelControl cluster.

LevelControl cluster FeatureMap.

Change a device's level based on a rate of movement.

The request payload for the Move command.

The direction in which to move a device's level.

Change a device's current frequency.

The request payload for the MoveToClosestFrequency command.

Move a device from its current level to the provided level.

The request payload for the MoveToLevel command.

Move a device from its current level to the provided level and toggle the onOff attribute of the OnOff cluster depending on the end value of currentLevel.

The request payload for the MoveToLevelWithOnOff command.

Move a device's level based on a rate of movement and toggle the onOff attribute of the OnOff cluster depending on the end value of currentLevel.

The request payload for the MoveWithOnOff command.

Flags for LevelControl options.

Move a device's level a specific amount over a period of time.

The request payload for the Step command.

The direction in which to step a device's level.

Move a device's level a specific amount over a period of time and toggle the onOff attribute of the OnOff cluster depending on the end value of currentLevel.

The request payload for the StepWithOnOff command.

Terminate a Move, MoveToLevel, or Step command (including their OnOff variants) currently in progress, and sets the remainingTime attribute to 0.

The request payload for the Stop command.

Terminate a Move, MoveToLevel, or Step command (including their OnOff variants) currently in progress, and sets the remainingTime attribute to 0.

The request payload for the StopWithOnOff command.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId