
class ColorTemperatureLightDevice : DeviceType

A lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off, the intensity of its light adjusted, and its color temperature adjusted.


Nested types

Trait Container for Google Traits.

Trait Container for Standard Traits.

Public constructors

    metadata: DeviceType.Metadata,
    traitProvider: TraitProvider,
    eventProvider: HasEvents,
    googleTraits: ColorTemperatureLightDevice.GoogleTraits,
    standardTraits: ColorTemperatureLightDevice.StandardTraits

Creates the ColorTemperatureLightDevice class.

Inherited functions

open Flow<Event>

Gets a flow of all Events available for the object.

open Flow<T>
<T : Event> events(event: EventFactory<T>)

Gets a flow of a specific Event.

open Flow<Event>
<T : Trait> events(trait: TraitFactory<T>)

Gets a flow of all Events by this Trait.

open T?
<T : Trait> trait(traitFactory: TraitFactory<T>)

Access a specific trait on the provider given a caller-provided TraitFactory.

open Set<Trait>

Given a similar accessible trait set as the function above, returns a subset of those traits that are present in the associated HomeConfig.factoryRegistry union'ed with those already known to the extended sub-class (e.g specific DeviceType that is aware of the set of TraitFactorys specified in its type definition).

Public constructors


    metadata: DeviceType.Metadata,
    traitProvider: TraitProvider,
    eventProvider: HasEvents,
    googleTraits: ColorTemperatureLightDevice.GoogleTraits,
    standardTraits: ColorTemperatureLightDevice.StandardTraits

Creates the ColorTemperatureLightDevice class.