
class Notification : PlatformTrait, NotificationTrait.Attributes

API for the Notification trait. This trait allows sending notifications as actions to structure members, and is only for use with the Automation API. Household members must have the Google Home app installed.


Nested types

Public functions

suspend Unit

Send a notification to structure members.

Public properties

open TraitFactory<Notification>

Inherited functions

suspend Unit
sendCommand(commandId: String)
suspend Unit
<REQUEST : Any?> sendCommand(
    commandId: String,
    request: PlatformTraitPayload<REQUEST>
suspend RESPONSE
<RESPONSE : Any?> sendCommand(
    commandId: String,
    responseParser: Parser<RESPONSE>
suspend RESPONSE
<REQUEST : Any?, RESPONSE : Any?> sendCommand(
    commandId: String,
    request: PlatformTraitPayload<REQUEST>,
    responseParser: Parser<RESPONSE>
suspend Unit
<T : Any?> write(parser: Parser<T>, attributes: T, useTimedInteraction: Boolean)

Public functions


suspend fun sendNotifications(title: String, optionalArgs: NotificationTrait.SendNotificationsCommand.OptionalArgs.() -> Unit = {}): Unit

Send a notification to structure members.

title: String

The title of the Google Home App notification.

optionalArgs: NotificationTrait.SendNotificationsCommand.OptionalArgs.() -> Unit = {}

Receiver for the optional arguments of this command.

Public properties


open val factoryTraitFactory<Notification>