Test OTA on Nordic

The following instructions use the lighting app example from the Matter SDK along with a Nordic nRF52840 development board.

Environment Setup

These instructions are based on a Docker-based installation of the nRF Connect toolchain. If you prefer not to use Docker, instructions for installing nRF Connect natively on a host computer are on the Nordic site.

Check out the Matter SDK

user@host> mkdir otaprep
user@host> cd otaprep
user@host> git clone https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip.git
user@host> cd connectedhomeip/
user@host> git fetch origin v1.0-branch
user@host> git checkout FETCH_HEAD

Check the correct Docker image to be used. Use one of the images created for the Matter SDK continuous integration.

user@host> cat .github/workflows/examples-nrfconnect.yaml | grep chip-build
            image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-nrf-platform:0.5.99

Connect the Nordic board to the computer. Check the USB enumeration of its serial interface:

On MacOS:

user@host> ls /dev/tty.usbmodem*

On Linux, either:

user@host> ls /dev/tty*AC*


user@host> ls /dev/tty*USB*

Run a container using the information gathered on the previous command. Pass the flags to mount the host Matter SDK folder and the usb serial interface into the container.

user@host> docker run --name container_name -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) --mount source=$(pwd),target=/workspace,type=bind connectedhomeip/chip-build-nrf-platform:0.5.99 /bin/bash

Stop and start the Matter Docker container

Whenever you run a docker run command, you'll create a new container with the specified image. When you do this, your old data, which was saved on a previous container instance, is lost. Sometimes this is what you want to happen, because it allows you to start with a fresh installation. But in this example you most likely want to save your work and environment configuration between sessions.

user@host> docker stop container_name

When you are ready to run again, start the container and open a terminal window:

user@host> docker start container_name
user@host> docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash

You may open additional terminal sessions to your container with:

user@host> docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash

Or start a root session using:

user@host> docker exec -u 0 -it container_name /bin/bash

Initialize the SDK

In the container, initialize the Matter SDK and the environment variables for the Nordic nRF52 toolchain. The Matter SDK initialization often takes several minutes.

$ cd /workspace
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ source ./scripts/bootstrap.sh
$ source ./scripts/activate.sh
$ export ZEPHYR_BASE=/opt/NordicSemiconductor/nrfconnect/zephyr
$ scripts/run_in_build_env.sh "python3 scripts/setup/nrfconnect/update_ncs.py --update --shallow"
$ source /opt/NordicSemiconductor/nrfconnect/zephyr/zephyr-env.sh

Build and Flash

Configure the VID and PID for the device:

$ cd examples/lighting-app/nrfconnect
$ west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -t menuconfig

In the interactive menu options:

  1. Modules --->

  2. connectedhomeip --->

  3. [*] Connected Home over IP protocol stack --->

  4. Enter the Device vendor ID (VID) and Device product ID (PID) in base-10 integer format.

  5. Ensure the [*] Enable OTA requestor flag is selected.

  6. Press s to save the configuration, press Enter to confirm, then q to exit menuconfig.

Set up test certificates

Follow the steps in Create Matter device test certificates to create CD, DAC and PAI certificates.

Build your device

$ west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840

Flash your device

This is done on the host computer, not in the Docker container.

If you don't already have the nRFConnect command line tools, download and install them.

user@host> nrfjprog --program build/zephyr/merged.hex --chiperase -f NRF52

Open a terminal connection to your device either on the host or on the container. Use your favorite terminal tool such as minicom or GNU screen.

user@host> minicom -c on -D /dev/ttyACM0 115200

user@host> screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200

Create and upload OTA image

Once you have flashed your device, change build settings once more to create an OTA image with an incremented device software version.

Launch Zephyr menuconfig:

$ west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -t menuconfig

In the interactive menu options:

  1. Modules -->

  2. connectedhomeip -->

  3. Connected Home over IP protocol stack -->

  4. Change Device Software Version to 2.

  5. Change Device Software Version String to prerelease-2.

  6. Press s to save the configuration, press Enter to confirm, then q to exit menuconfig.

Build the new Matter OTA bundle file. The output is placed in build/zephyr/zephyr.bin.

$ /workspace/src/app/ota_image_tool.py create -v hex_VID -p hex_PID -vn version_no -vs version_string path_to_binary -da digest_algorithm path_to_ota_file

Confirm the properties of your generated Matter OTA bundle file:

/workspace/examples/lighting-app/nrfconnect# /workspace/src/app/ota_image_tool.py show firmware-ota-update-test.bin
Magic: 1beef11e
Total Size: 951784
Header Size: 72
Header TLV:
  [0] Vendor Id: XXXXX (0xXXXX)
  [1] Product Id: 32768 (0x8000)
  [2] Version: 2 (0x2)
  [3] Version String: prerelease-2
  [4] Payload Size: 951696 (0xe8590)
  [8] Digest Type: 1 (0x1)
  [9] Digest: 75f2e8b0c8e922b8bb3841504190bcdd83533e936a284c7254d29327d605c930

Because the Matter SDK is mounted from your container host, the OTA Image is also available on your container host. Upload the OTA image to the Google Home Developer Console by following the OTA upload instructions.

Commission the device and observe the OTA process.

Open a terminal connection to the device either on the host or on the container. Use your favorite terminal such as minicom or GNU screen:

$ minicom -c on -D /dev/ttyACM0 115200

Press the reset button of the device to see logs from boot.

In the device output, you should see the VID and PID you set, as well as the URL for the commissioning QR code:

I: nRF5 802154 radio initialized
I: 4 Sectors of 4096 bytes


I: 681 [SVR]Server Listening...
I: 684 [DL]Device Configuration:
I: 687 [DL]  Serial Number: 11223344556677889900
I: 692 [DL]  Vendor Id: XXXXX (0xXXXX)
I: 695 [DL]  Product Id: XXXXX (0xXXXX)
I: 699 [DL]  Hardware Version: 0
I: 702 [DL]  Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
I: 708 [DL]  Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
I: 714 [DL]  Manufacturing Date: (not set)
I: 718 [DL]  Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
I: 723 [SVR]SetupQRCode: [MT:6FCJ142C00KA0648G00]
I: 727 [SVR]Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
I: 733 [SVR]https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=MT%000000000000000000000
I: 742 [SVR]Manual pairing code: [30900112302]
I: 747 [DL]CHIP task running
I: 752 [DL]CHIPoBLE advertising started
I: 757 [DL]NFC Tag emulation started

Ensure your Hub is online, and commission the device with the Google Home app (GHA) using the QR code from the link found in the log.

Leave the device logging its activities after commissioning.

You should see the following text in the device log:

/* Hub OTA provider identification */
I: 69642 [SWU]OTA Requestor received AnnounceOTAProvider
D: 69647 [SWU]  FabricIndex: 1
D: 69649 [SWU]  ProviderNodeID: 0x00000000XXXXXXXX
D: 69654 [SWU]  VendorID: 0x6006
D: 69657 [SWU]  AnnouncementReason: 0
D: 69660 [SWU]  Endpoint: 2
D: 69799 [SWU]Establishing session to provider node ID 0x00000000FC843D94 on fabric index 1
D: 262265 [SWU]QueryImageResponse:
D: 262268 [SWU]  status: 0
D: 262271 [SWU]  imageURI: bdx://00000000FC843D94/37f09fd6-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
D: 262278 [SWU]  softwareVersion: 2
D: 262281 [SWU]  softwareVersionString: 2
D: 262285 [SWU]  updateToken: 36
D: 262288 [SWU]  userConsentNeeded: 0
D: 262292 [SWU]Update available from version 0 to 2
D: 262372 [SWU]Establishing session to provider node ID 0x00000000FC843D94 on fabric index 1
D: 262409 [SWU]BDX::SendMessage

After the image is applied, the device reboots. After reboot, the compile time of the image should match that of the one uploaded to the Developer Console.

Validate the OTA Software Update

The device software version can be checked using the Google Home App (GHA). Once a device is commissioned, follow these procedures:

  1. Long press the device tile on GHA main screen
  2. Tap the icon in the top right
  3. Tap Technical information
  4. Check the Software version field

Google Home App screen showing software version field