Chaque intégration Cloud-to-cloud doit inclure un mécanisme d'authentification des utilisateurs.
L'authentification vous permet d'associer les comptes Google de vos utilisateurs aux comptes utilisateur de votre système d'authentification. Cela vous permet d'identifier vos utilisateurs lorsque votre traitement reçoit un intent de maison connectée. La maison connectée Google n'est compatible qu'avec OAuth avec un flux de code d'autorisation.
Cette page explique comment configurer votre serveur OAuth 2.0 pour qu'il fonctionne avec votre intégration Cloud-to-cloud.
Association de comptes Google avec OAuth
Dans le flux de code d'autorisation, vous avez besoin de deux points de terminaison:
Le point de terminaison d'autorisation, qui présente l'interface de connexion aux utilisateurs qui ne sont pas déjà connectés. Le point de terminaison d'autorisation crée également un code d'autorisation de courte durée pour enregistrer le consentement des utilisateurs à l'accès demandé.
Le point de terminaison d'échange de jetons, qui est responsable de deux types d'échanges:
- Échange un code d'autorisation contre un jeton d'actualisation de longue durée et un jeton d'accès de courte durée. Cet échange se produit lorsque l'utilisateur suit le flux d'association de compte.
- Échange un jeton d'actualisation de longue durée contre un jeton d'accès de courte durée. Cet échange se produit lorsque Google a besoin d'un nouveau jeton d'accès, car celui-ci a expiré.
Consignes de conception
Cette section décrit les exigences de conception et les recommandations pour l'écran utilisateur que vous hébergez pour les flux d'association OAuth. Une fois appelée par l'application Google, votre plate-forme affiche à l'utilisateur une page de connexion à la page Google et un écran de consentement pour l'association de compte. L'utilisateur est redirigé vers l'application Google après avoir accepté d'associer les comptes.

Conditions requises
- Vous devez indiquer que le compte de l'utilisateur sera associé à Google, et non à un produit Google spécifique, comme Google Home ou l'Assistant Google.
- Vous devez disposer d'une déclaration d'autorisation Google telle que "En vous connectant, vous autorisez Google à contrôler vos appareils". Consultez la section Autorisation du contrôle des appareils Google du règlement pour les développeurs Google Home.
- Vous devez permettre aux utilisateurs de revenir en arrière ou de résilier l'abonnement s'ils choisissent de ne pas effectuer l'association.
- Vous devez ouvrir la page d'association Web avec OAuth et vous assurer que les utilisateurs disposent d'une méthode claire pour se connecter à leur compte Google, telle que des champs pour leur nom d'utilisateur et leur mot de passe. N'utilisez pas la méthode Google Sign-In (GSI) qui permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer une association sans être redirigés vers la page "Association Web OAuth". Cela constitue un non-respect des règles de Google.
Nous vous recommandons d'effectuer les opérations suivantes :
Afficher les règles de confidentialité de Google Ajoutez un lien vers les Règles de confidentialité de Google sur l'écran de consentement.
Données à partager. Utilisez un langage clair et concis pour indiquer à l'utilisateur quelles données sont requises par Google et pourquoi.
Incitation à l'action claire. Spécifiez une incitation à l'action claire sur votre écran de consentement, par exemple "Accepter et associer". En effet, les utilisateurs doivent comprendre quelles données ils doivent partager avec Google pour associer leurs comptes.
Possibilité de dissocier des comptes. Proposez aux utilisateurs un mécanisme de dissociation, par exemple une URL vers les paramètres de leur compte sur votre plate-forme. Vous pouvez également inclure un lien vers un compte Google permettant aux utilisateurs de gérer leur compte associé.
Possibilité de changer de compte utilisateur. Suggérez aux utilisateurs une méthode pour changer de compte. Cela est particulièrement utile si les utilisateurs ont tendance à avoir plusieurs comptes.
- Si un utilisateur doit fermer l'écran de consentement pour changer de compte, envoyez à Google une erreur récupérable afin qu'il puisse se connecter au compte souhaité à l'aide de l'association OAuth.
Incluez votre logo. Afficher le logo de votre entreprise sur l'écran de consentement. Utilisez vos consignes de style pour placer votre logo. Si vous souhaitez également afficher le logo de Google, consultez la section Logos et marques.

Flux avec code d'autorisation
An OAuth 2.0 server implementation of the authorization code flow consists of two endpoints, which your service makes available by HTTPS. The first endpoint is the authorization endpoint, which is responsible for finding or obtaining consent from users for data access. The authorization endpoint presents a sign-in UI to your users that aren't already signed in and records consent to the requested access. The second endpoint is the token exchange endpoint, which is used to obtain encrypted strings, called tokens, that authorize a user to access your service.
When a Google application needs to call one of your service's APIs, Google uses these endpoints together to get permission from your users to call these APIs on their behalf.
An OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow session initiated by Google has the following flow:
- Google opens your authorization endpoint in the user's browser. If the flow started on a voice-only device for an Action, Google transfers the execution to a phone.
- The user signs in, if not signed in already, and grants Google permission to access their data with your API, if they haven't already granted permission.
- Your service creates an authorization code and returns it to Google. To do so, redirect the user's browser back to Google with the authorization code attached to the request.
- Google sends the authorization code to your token exchange endpoint, which verifies the authenticity of the code and returns an access token and a refresh token. The access token is a short-lived token that your service accepts as credentials to access APIs. The refresh token is a long-lived token that Google can store and use to acquire new access tokens when they expire.
- After the user has completed the account linking flow, every subsequent request sent from Google contains an access token.
Handle authorization requests
When you need to perform account linking using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, Google sends the user to your authorization endpoint with a request that includes the following parameters:
Authorization endpoint parameters | |
client_id |
The Client ID you assigned to Google. |
redirect_uri |
The URL to which you send the response to this request. |
state |
A bookkeeping value that is passed back to Google unchanged in the redirect URI. |
scope |
Optional: A space-delimited set of scope strings that specify the data Google is requesting authorization for. |
response_type |
The type of value to return in the response. For the OAuth 2.0
authorization code flow, the response type is always code .
user_locale |
The Google Account language setting in RFC5646 format, used to localize your content in the user's preferred language. |
For example, if your authorization endpoint is available at
, a request might look like the following:
For your authorization endpoint to handle sign-in requests, do the following steps:
- Verify that the
matches the Client ID you assigned to Google, and that theredirect_uri
matches the redirect URL provided by Google for your service. These checks are important to prevent granting access to unintended or misconfigured client apps. If you support multiple OAuth 2.0 flows, also confirm that theresponse_type
. - Check if the user is signed in to your service. If the user isn't signed in, complete your service's sign-in or sign-up flow.
- Generate an authorization code for Google to use to access your API. The authorization code can be any string value, but it must uniquely represent the user, the client the token is for, and the code's expiration time, and it must not be guessable. You typically issue authorization codes that expire after approximately 10 minutes.
- Confirm that the URL specified by the
parameter has the following form:
- Redirect the user's browser to the URL specified by the
parameter. Include the authorization code you just generated and the original, unmodified state value when you redirect by appending thecode
parameters. The following is an example of the resulting URL:
Handle token exchange requests
Your service's token exchange endpoint is responsible for two kinds of token exchanges:
- Exchange authorization codes for access tokens and refresh tokens
- Exchange refresh tokens for access tokens
Token exchange requests include the following parameters:
Token exchange endpoint parameters | |
client_id |
A string that identifies the request origin as Google. This string must be registered within your system as Google's unique identifier. |
client_secret |
A secret string that you registered with Google for your service. |
grant_type |
The type of token being exchanged. It's either
authorization_code or refresh_token . |
code |
When grant_type=authorization_code , this parameter is the
code Google received from either your sign-in or token exchange
endpoint. |
redirect_uri |
When grant_type=authorization_code , this parameter is the
URL used in the initial authorization request. |
refresh_token |
When grant_type=refresh_token , this parameter is the
refresh token Google received from your token exchange endpoint. |
Configure how Google sends credentials to your server
Depending on its implementation, your authorization server expects to receive client credentials either in the request body, or in the request header.
By default, Google sends the credentials in the request body. If your authorization server requires the client credentials to be in the request header, you must configure your Cloud-to-cloud integration accordingly:
From the list of projects, click Open next to the project you want to work with.
Under Cloud-to-Cloud, select Develop.
Click Open next your integration.
Scroll down to the Permissions (optional) section and select the Have Google transmit Client ID and secret via HTTP basic auth header checkbox.
Click Save to save your changes.
Exchange authorization codes for access tokens and refresh tokens
After the user signs in and your authorization endpoint returns a short-lived authorization code to Google, Google sends a request to your token exchange endpoint to exchange the authorization code for an access token and a refresh token.
For these requests, the value of grant_type
is authorization_code
, and the
value of code
is the value of the authorization code you previously granted
to Google. The following is an example of a request to exchange an
authorization code for an access token and a refresh token:
POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET&grant_type=authorization_code&code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
To exchange authorization codes for an access token and a refresh token, your
token exchange endpoint responds to POST
requests by executing the following
- Verify that the
identifies the request origin as an authorized origin, and that theclient_secret
matches the expected value. - Verify that the authorization code is valid and not expired, and that the client ID specified in the request matches the client ID associated with the authorization code.
- Confirm that the URL specified by the
parameter is identical to the value used in the initial authorization request. - If you can't verify all of the above criteria, return an HTTP
400 Bad Request error with
{"error": "invalid_grant"}
as the body. - Otherwise, use the user ID from the authorization code to generate a refresh token and an access token. These tokens can be any string value, but they must uniquely represent the user and the client the token is for, and they must not be guessable. For access tokens, also record the expiration time of the token, which is typically an hour after you issue the token. Refresh tokens don't expire.
- Return the following JSON object in the body of the HTTPS response:
{ "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN", "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN", "expires_in": SECONDS_TO_EXPIRATION }
Google stores the access token and the refresh token for the user and records the expiration of the access token. When the access token expires, Google uses the refresh token to get a new access token from your token exchange endpoint.
Exchange refresh tokens for access tokens
When an access token expires, Google sends a request to your token exchange endpoint to exchange a refresh token for a new access token.
For these requests, the value of grant_type
is refresh_token
, and the value
of refresh_token
is the value of the refresh token you previously granted to
Google. The following is an example of a request to exchange a refresh token
for an access token:
POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN
To exchange a refresh token for an access token, your token exchange endpoint
responds to POST
requests by executing the following steps:
- Verify that the
identifies the request origin as Google, and that theclient_secret
matches the expected value. - Verify that the refresh token is valid, and that the client ID specified in the request matches the client ID associated with the refresh token.
- If you can't verify all of the above criteria, return an HTTP 400
Bad Request error with
{"error": "invalid_grant"}
as the body. - Otherwise, use the user ID from the refresh token to generate an access token. These tokens can be any string value, but they must uniquely represent the user and the client the token is for, and they must not be guessable. For access tokens, also record the expiration time of the token, typically an hour after you issue the token.
- Return the following JSON object in the body of the HTTPS
{ "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN", "expires_in": SECONDS_TO_EXPIRATION }
Handle userinfo requests
The userinfo endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 protected resource that return claims about the linked user. Implementing and hosting the userinfo endpoint is optional, except for the following use cases:
- Linked Account Sign-In with Google One Tap.
- Frictionless subscription on AndroidTV.
After the access token has been successfully retrieved from your token endpoint, Google sends a request to your userinfo endpoint to retrieve basic profile information about the linked user.
userinfo endpoint request headers | |
Authorization header |
The access token of type Bearer. |
For example, if your userinfo endpoint is available at
, a request might look like the following:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
For your userinfo endpoint to handle requests, do the following steps:
- Extract access token from the Authorization header and return information for the user associated with the access token.
- If the access token is invalid, return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error with using the
Response Header. Below is an example of a userinfo error response: If a 401 Unauthorized, or any other unsuccessful error response is returned during the linking process, the error will be non-recoverable, the retrieved token will be discarded and the user will have to initiate the linking process again.HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: error="invalid_token", error_description="The Access Token expired"
If the access token is valid, return and HTTP 200 response with the following JSON object in the body of the HTTPS response:
If your userinfo endpoint returns an HTTP 200 success response, the retrieved token and claims are registered against the user's Google account.{ "sub": "USER_UUID", "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "given_name": "FIRST_NAME", "family_name": "LAST_NAME", "name": "FULL_NAME", "picture": "PROFILE_PICTURE", }
userinfo endpoint response sub
A unique ID that identifies the user in your system. email
Email address of the user. given_name
Optional: First name of the user. family_name
Optional: Last name of the user. name
Optional: Full name of the user. picture
Optional: Profile picture of the user.