每個 Cloud-to-cloud 整合都必須包含驗證使用者的機制。
驗證功能可讓您將使用者的 Google 帳戶連結至驗證系統中的使用者帳戶。這樣一來,當你的服務端接收智慧型家居意圖時,你就能識別使用者。Google 智慧型家居僅支援 OAuth 授權碼流程。
本頁面說明如何設定 OAuth 2.0 伺服器,讓其與 Cloud-to-cloud 整合。
使用 OAuth 連結 Google 帳戶
In the authorization code flow, you need two endpoints:
The authorization endpoint, which presents the sign-in UI to your users that aren't already signed in. The authorization endpoint also creates a short-lived authorization code to record users' consent to the requested access.
The token exchange endpoint, which is responsible for two types of exchanges:
- Exchanges an authorization code for a long-lived refresh token and a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when the user goes through the account linking flow.
- Exchanges a long-lived refresh token for a short-lived access token. This exchange happens when Google needs a new access token because the one it had expired.
Design guidelines
This section describes the design requirements and recommendations for the user screen that you host for OAuth linking flows. After it's called by Google's app, your platform displays a sign in to Google page and account linking consent screen to the user. The user is directed back to Google's app after giving their consent to link accounts.

- You must communicate that the user’s account will be linked to Google, not a specific Google product like Google Home or Google Assistant.
- You must have a Google authorization statement such as "By signing in, you are authorizing Google to control your devices." See the Google Device Control Authorization section of the Google Home Developer Policies.
- You must provide a way for users to go back or cancel, if they choose not to link.
- You must open the Web OAuth linking page and ensure users have a clear method for signing in to their Google Account, such as fields for their username and password. Don't use the Google Sign-In (GSI) method that enables users to link without being taken to the Web OAuth Linking page. It is a violation of Google policy.
We recommend that you do the following:
Display Google's Privacy Policy. Include a link to Google’s Privacy Policy on the consent screen.
Data to be shared. Use clear and concise language to tell the user what data of theirs Google requires and why.
Clear call-to-action. State a clear call-to-action on your consent screen, such as “Agree and link.” This is because users need to understand what data they're required to share with Google to link their accounts.
Ability to unlink. Offer a mechanism for users to unlink, such as a URL to their account settings on your platform. Alternatively, you can include a link to Google Account where users can manage their linked account.
Ability to change user account. Suggest a method for users to switch their account(s). This is especially beneficial if users tend to have multiple accounts.
- If a user must close the consent screen to switch accounts, send a recoverable error to Google so the user can sign in to the desired account with OAuth linking.
Include your logo. Display your company logo on the consent screen. Use your style guidelines to place your logo. If you wish to also display Google's logo, see Logos and trademarks.

OAuth 2.0 伺服器實作授權碼流程包含兩個端點,您的服務會透過 HTTPS 提供這些端點。第一個端點是授權端點,負責尋找或取得使用者對資料存取權的同意。授權端點會向尚未登入的使用者顯示登入 UI,並記錄對所要求存取權的同意聲明。第二個端點是權杖交換端點,用於取得加密字串 (稱為權杖),授權使用者存取您的服務。
當 Google 應用程式需要呼叫您的服務 API 時,Google 會同時使用這些端點,向使用者取得授權,以便代為呼叫這些 API。
Google 啟動的 OAuth 2.0 授權碼流程工作階段具有下列流程:
- Google 會在使用者的瀏覽器中開啟授權端點。如果流程是在語音專用裝置上啟動,Google 會將執行作業轉移至手機。
- 使用者會登入 (如果尚未登入),並授權 Google 使用您的 API 存取其資料 (如果尚未授予權限)。
- 您的服務會建立授權碼,並將其傳回給 Google。如要這樣做,請將使用者的瀏覽器重新導向至 Google,並附上請求中的授權碼。
- Google 會將授權碼傳送至您的權杖交換端點,該端點會驗證代碼的真實性,並傳回存取權杖和更新權杖。存取權杖是短期憑證,可讓服務接受憑證來存取 API。更新權杖是 Google 可儲存的長效權杖,可在存取權杖到期時取得新的存取權杖。
- 使用者完成帳戶連結流程後,Google 傳送的每項後續要求都會包含存取權存證。
如需使用 OAuth 2.0 授權碼流程執行帳戶連結,Google 會將使用者傳送至授權端點,並附上包含下列參數的要求:
授權端點參數 | |
client_id |
您指派給 Google 的用戶端 ID。 |
redirect_uri |
您用來傳送回覆這項要求的網址。 |
state |
會在重新導向 URI 中傳回給 Google 的記帳值,且不會變更。 |
scope |
選用:以空格分隔的範圍字串集,用於指定 Google 要求授權的資料。 |
response_type |
回應中要傳回的值類型。對於 OAuth 2.0 授權碼流程,回應類型一律為 code 。 |
user_locale |
以 RFC5646 格式呈現的 Google 帳戶語言設定,用於以使用者偏好語言本地化內容。 |
舉例來說,如果授權端點位於 https://myservice.example.com/auth
GET https://myservice.example.com/auth?client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI &state=STATE_STRING &scope=REQUESTED_SCOPES &response_type=code&user_locale=LOCALE
- 請確認
與您指派給 Google 的用戶端 ID 相符,而redirect_uri
與 Google 為您的服務提供的重新導向網址相符。這些檢查非常重要,可避免您將存取權授予非預期或設定錯誤的用戶端應用程式。如果您支援多個 OAuth 2.0 流程,請確認response_type
。 - 確認使用者是否已登入服務。如果使用者未登入,請完成服務的登入或註冊流程。
- 產生授權碼,供 Google 用於存取您的 API。授權碼可以是任何字串值,但必須明確代表使用者、代碼適用的用戶端,以及代碼的到期時間,且不得讓人輕易猜測。您通常會發出大約 10 分鐘後到期的授權碼。
- 確認
YOUR_PROJECT_ID https://oauth-redirect-sandbox.googleusercontent.com/r/YOUR_PROJECT_ID - 將使用者的瀏覽器重新導向至
- 將授權碼換成存取憑證和更新憑證
- 將重新整理權杖換成存取權杖
符記交換端點參數 | |
client_id |
這個字串可識別要求來源為 Google。這個字串必須在您的系統中註冊為 Google 的專屬 ID。 |
client_secret |
你向 Google 註冊的服務專用密鑰字串。 |
grant_type |
要交換的符記類型。這個值為 authorization_code 或 refresh_token 。 |
code |
如果是 grant_type=authorization_code ,這個參數就是 Google 從登入或符記交換端點收到的代碼。 |
redirect_uri |
如果是 grant_type=authorization_code ,這個參數就是初始授權要求中使用的網址。 |
refresh_token |
如果是 grant_type=refresh_token ,這個參數就是 Google 從權杖交換端點收到的更新權杖。 |
設定 Google 傳送憑證至伺服器的方式
根據預設,Google 會在要求主體中傳送憑證。如果授權伺服器要求用戶端憑證必須位於要求標頭中,您必須相應地設定 Cloud-to-cloud 整合:
向下捲動至「Permissions (optional)」部分,然後選取「Have Google transmit Client ID and secret via HTTP basic auth header」核取方塊。
使用者登入後,授權端點會將短期授權碼傳回給 Google,Google 會向您的憑證交換端點傳送要求,以便將授權碼交換成存取權杖和更新權杖。
的值為 authorization_code
的值則是您先前授予 Google 的授權碼。以下是要求範例,說明如何將授權碼換成存取權杖和更新權杖:
POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: oauth2.example.com Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID &client_secret=GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET &grant_type=authorization_code&code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
如要將授權碼換成存取權杖和更新權杖,您的權杖交換端點會執行下列步驟,回應 POST
- 確認
符合預期值。 - 驗證授權碼是否有效且未過期,以及要求中指定的客戶端 ID 是否與授權碼相關聯的客戶端 ID 相符。
- 確認
參數指定的網址與初始授權要求中使用的值相同。 - 如果您無法驗證上述所有條件,請傳回 HTTP 400 錯誤要求錯誤,並以
{"error": "invalid_grant"}
做為主體。 - 否則,請使用授權碼中的使用者 ID 產生更新權杖和存取權杖。這些權杖可以是任何字串值,但必須明確代表權杖適用的使用者和用戶端,且不得可猜測。針對存取權杖,請一併記錄權杖的到期時間,通常是在您發出權杖後一小時。更新權杖不會過期。
- 在 HTTPS 回應主體中傳回下列 JSON 物件:
{ "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "
ACCESS_TOKEN ", "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN ", "expires_in":SECONDS_TO_EXPIRATION }
Google 會為使用者儲存存取權杖和更新權杖,並記錄存取權杖的到期日。存取權杖到期時,Google 會使用更新權杖,從憑證交換端點取得新的存取權杖。
存取權杖到期時,Google 會向您的權杖交換端點傳送要求,以便將更新權杖換成新的存取權杖。
的值為 refresh_token
,而 refresh_token
的值則是先前授予 Google 的重新整理權杖值。以下是要求範例,說明如何將重新整理權杖換成存取權杖:
POST /token HTTP/1.1 Host: oauth2.example.com Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client_id=GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID &client_secret=GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET &grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN
如要將重新整理權杖換成存取權杖,您的權杖交換端點會執行下列步驟,回應 POST
- 確認
將要求來源識別為 Google,且client_secret
與預期值相符。 - 確認重新整理權杖有效,且要求中指定的用戶端 ID 與與重新整理權杖相關聯的用戶端 ID 相符。
- 如果您無法驗證上述所有條件,請傳回 HTTP 400 錯誤要求錯誤,並以
{"error": "invalid_grant"}
做為主體。 - 否則,請使用更新憑證中的使用者 ID 產生存取權杖。這些權杖可以是任何字串值,但必須明確代表權杖適用的使用者和用戶端,且不得可猜測。針對存取權存證,請一併記錄憑證的到期時間,通常是在您核發憑證後一小時。
- 在 HTTPS 回應主體中傳回下列 JSON 物件:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN ",
Handle userinfo requests
The userinfo endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 protected resource that return claims about the linked user. Implementing and hosting the userinfo endpoint is optional, except for the following use cases:
- Linked Account Sign-In with Google One Tap.
- Frictionless subscription on AndroidTV.
After the access token has been successfully retrieved from your token endpoint, Google sends a request to your userinfo endpoint to retrieve basic profile information about the linked user.
userinfo endpoint request headers | |
Authorization header |
The access token of type Bearer. |
For example, if your userinfo endpoint is available at
, a request might look like the following:
GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1 Host: myservice.example.com Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
For your userinfo endpoint to handle requests, do the following steps:
- Extract access token from the Authorization header and return information for the user associated with the access token.
- If the access token is invalid, return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error with using the
Response Header. Below is an example of a userinfo error response: If a 401 Unauthorized, or any other unsuccessful error response is returned during the linking process, the error will be non-recoverable, the retrieved token will be discarded and the user will have to initiate the linking process again.HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: error="invalid_token", error_description="The Access Token expired"
If the access token is valid, return and HTTP 200 response with the following JSON object in the body of the HTTPS response:
If your userinfo endpoint returns an HTTP 200 success response, the retrieved token and claims are registered against the user's Google account.{ "sub": "
USER_UUID ", "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS ", "given_name": "FIRST_NAME ", "family_name": "LAST_NAME ", "name": "FULL_NAME ", "picture": "PROFILE_PICTURE ", }userinfo endpoint response sub
A unique ID that identifies the user in your system. email
Email address of the user. given_name
Optional: First name of the user. family_name
Optional: Last name of the user. name
Optional: Full name of the user. picture
Optional: Profile picture of the user.