Implement the local fulfillment app

To support local fulfillment, you need to build an app to handle these smart home intents:

  • IDENTIFY: Supports discovery of locally-controllable smart devices. The intent handler extracts data that your smart device returns during discovery and sends this in a response to Google.
  • EXECUTE: Supports execution of commands.
  • QUERY: Supports querying device state.
  • REACHABLE_DEVICES: (Optional) Supports discovery of locally-controllable end devices behind a hub (or bridge) device.

This app runs on user’s Google Home or Google Nest devices and connects your smart device to Assistant. You can create the app using TypeScript (preferred) or JavaScript.

TypeScript is recommended because you can leverage bindings to statically ensure that the data your app returns match the types that the platform expects.

For more details about the API, see the Local Home SDK API reference.

The following snippets show how you might initialize the local fulfillment app and attach your handlers.

import App = smarthome.App;
const localHomeApp: App = new App("1.0.0");
  .then(() => {
import App = smarthome.App;
const localHomeApp: App = new App("1.0.0");
  .then(() => {

Create your project

In order to deploy your local fulfillment app, you need to build a JavaScript bundle for your code and all its dependencies.

Use the local fulfillment app project initializer to bootstrap the appropriate project structure with your preferred bundler configuration.

Project templates

To select your bundler configuration, run the npm init command as shown in the following examples:

TypeScript with no bundler configuration:

npm init @google/local-home-app project-directory/ --bundler none

Project structure:

├── node_modules/
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── index.ts
├── test.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── tslint.json
└── serve.js

Replace project-directory with a new directory that will contain the local fulfillment app project.

TypeScript with webpack bundler configuration:

npm init @google/local-home-app project-directory/ --bundler webpack

Project structure:

├── node_modules/
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── index.ts
├── test.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── tslint.json
├── webpack.config.web.js
├── webpack.config.node.js
└── serve.js

Replace project-directory with a new directory that will contain the local fulfillment app project.

TypeScript with Rollup bundler configuration:

npm init @google/local-home-app project-directory/ --bundler rollup

Project structure:

├── node_modules/
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── index.ts
├── test.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── tslint.json
├── rollup.config.js
└── serve.js

Replace project-directory with a new directory that will contain the local fulfillment app project.

TypeScript with Parcel bundler configuration:

npm init @google/local-home-app project-directory/ --bundler parcel

Project structure:

├── node_modules/
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── index.ts
├── test.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── tslint.json
└── serve.js

Replace project-directory with a new directory that will contain the local fulfillment app project.

Perform common project-level tasks

The generated project supports the following npm scripts:

cd project-directory/
npm run build

This script compiles TypeScript source, and bundles your app with its dependencies for the Chrome runtime environment in the dist/web subdirectory and the Node.js runtime environment in the dist/node subdirectory.

cd project-directory/
npm run lint
npm run compile
npm test

This script verifies the syntax of your TypeScript code, compiles it without producing any output in the dist/ subdirectory, and runs automated tests from test.ts.

cd project-directory/
npm run start

During development, this script serves your app bundles for the Chrome and Node.js runtime environments locally.

Implement the IDENTIFY handler

The IDENTIFY handler will be triggered when the Google Home or Google Nest device reboots and sees unverified local devices (including end devices connected to a hub). The Local Home platform will scan for local devices using the scan config information you specified earlier and call your IDENTIFY handler with the scan results.

The IdentifyRequest from the Local Home platform contains the scan data of a LocalIdentifiedDevice instance. Only one device instance is populated, based on the scan config that discovered the device.

If the scan results match your device, your IDENTIFY handler should return an IdentifyResponsePayload object, that includes a device object with smart home metadata (such as the types, traits, and report state).

Google establishes a device association if the verificationId from the IDENTIFY response matches one of the otherDeviceIds values returned by the SYNC response.


The following snippets show how you might create IDENTIFY handlers for standalone device and hub integrations, respectively.

const identifyHandler = (request: IntentFlow.IdentifyRequest):
  IntentFlow.IdentifyResponse => {

    // Obtain scan data from protocol defined in your scan config
    const device = request.inputs[0].payload.device;
    if (device.udpScanData === undefined) {
      throw Error("Missing discovery response");
    const scanData =;

    // Decode scan data to obtain metadata about local device
    const verificationId = "local-device-id";

    // Return a response
    const response: IntentFlow.IdentifyResponse = {
      intent: Intents.IDENTIFY,
      requestId: request.requestId,
      payload: {
        device: {
          id: || "",
          verificationId, // Must match otherDeviceIds in SYNC response
    return response;
const identifyHandler = (request: IntentFlow.IdentifyRequest):
  IntentFlow.IdentifyResponse => {

    // Obtain scan data from protocol defined in your scan config
    const device = request.inputs[0].payload.device;
    if (device.udpScanData === undefined) {
      throw Error("Missing discovery response");
    const scanData =;

    // Decode scan data to obtain metadata about local device
    const proxyDeviceId = "local-hub-id";

    // Return a response
    const response: IntentFlow.IdentifyResponse = {
      intent: Intents.IDENTIFY,
      requestId: request.requestId,
      payload: {
        device: {
          id: proxyDeviceId,
          isProxy: true,     // Device can control other local devices
          isLocalOnly: true, // Device not present in `SYNC` response
    return response;

Identify devices behind a hub

If Google identifies a hub device, it will treat the hub as the conduit to the hub's connected end devices and attempt to verify those end devices.

To enable Google to confirm that a hub device is present, follow these instructions for your IDENTIFY handler:

  • If your SYNC response reports the IDs of local end devices connected to the hub, set isProxy as truein the IdentifyResponsePayload.
  • If your SYNC response does not report your hub device, set isLocalOnly as true in the IdentifyResponsePayload.
  • The field contains the local device ID for the hub device itself.

Implement the REACHABLE_DEVICES handler (hub integrations only)

The REACHABLE_DEVICES intent is sent by Google to confirm which end devices can be locally controlled. This intent is triggered every time Google runs a discovery scan (roughly once every minute), as long as the hub is detected to be online.

You implement the REACHABLE_DEVICES handler similarly to the IDENTIFY handler, except that your handler needs to gather additional device IDs reachable by the local proxy (that is, the hub) device. The device.verificationId field contains the local device ID for an end device that is connected to the hub.

The ReachableDevicesRequest from the Local Home platform contains an instance of LocalIdentifiedDevice. Through this instance, you can get the proxy device ID as well as data from the scan results.

Your REACHABLE_DEVICES handler should return a ReachableDevicesPayload object that includes a devices object that contains an array of verificationId values representing the end devices that the hub controls. The verificationId values must match one of the otherDeviceIds from the SYNC response.

The following snippet shows how you might create your REACHABLE_DEVICES handler.

const reachableDevicesHandler = (request: IntentFlow.ReachableDevicesRequest):
  IntentFlow.ReachableDevicesResponse => {

    // Reference to the local proxy device
    const proxyDeviceId = request.inputs[0];

    // Gather additional device ids reachable by local proxy device
    // ...

    const reachableDevices = [
      // Each verificationId must match one of the otherDeviceIds
      // in the SYNC response
      { verificationId: "local-device-id-1" },
      { verificationId: "local-device-id-2" },

    // Return a response
    const response: IntentFlow.ReachableDevicesResponse = {
      intent: Intents.REACHABLE_DEVICES,
      requestId: request.requestId,
      payload: {
        devices: reachableDevices,
    return response;

Implement the EXECUTE handler

Your EXECUTE handler in the app processes user commands and uses the Local Home SDK to access your smart devices through an existing protocol.

The Local Home platform passes the same input payload to the EXECUTE handler function as for the EXECUTE intent to your cloud fulfillment. Likewise, your EXECUTE handler returns output data in the same format as from processing the EXECUTE intent. To simplify the response creation, you can use the Execute.Response.Builder class that the Local Home SDK provides.

Your app does not have direct access to the IP address of the device. Instead, use the CommandRequest interface to create commands based on one of these protocols: UDP, TCP, or HTTP. Then, call the deviceManager.send() function to send the commands.

When targeting commands to devices, use the device ID (and parameters from the customData field, if included) from the SYNC response to communicate with the device.


The following code snippet shows how you might create your EXECUTE handler.

const executeHandler = (request: IntentFlow.ExecuteRequest):
  Promise<IntentFlow.ExecuteResponse> => {

    // Extract command(s) and device target(s) from request
    const command = request.inputs[0].payload.commands[0];
    const execution = command.execution[0];

    const response = new Execute.Response.Builder()

    const result = => {
      // Target id of the device provided in the SYNC response
      const deviceId =;
      // Metadata for the device provided in the SYNC response
      // Use customData to provide additional required execution parameters
      const customData: any = device.customData;

      // Convert execution command into payload for local device
      let devicePayload: string;
      // ...

      // Construct a local device command over TCP
      const deviceCommand = new DataFlow.TcpRequestData();
      deviceCommand.requestId = request.requestId;
      deviceCommand.deviceId = deviceId; = devicePayload;
      deviceCommand.port = customData.port;
      deviceCommand.operation = Constants.TcpOperation.WRITE;

      // Send command to the local device
      return localHomeApp.getDeviceManager()
        .then((result) => {
          response.setSuccessState(result.deviceId, state);
        .catch((err: IntentFlow.HandlerError) => {
          err.errorCode = err.errorCode || IntentFlow.ErrorCode.INVALID_REQUEST;
          response.setErrorState(, err.errorCode);

    // Respond once all commands complete
    return Promise.all(result)
      .then(() =>;

Implement the QUERY handler

Your QUERY handler in the app processes user requests and uses the Local Home SDK to report the state of your smart devices.

The Local Home platform passes the same request payload to the 'QUERY' handler function as for the QUERY intent to your cloud fulfillment. Similarly, your QUERY handler returns data in the same format as from processing the QUERY intent.

Sending commands to devices behind a hub

To control end devices behind a hub, you may need to provide extra information in the protocol-specific command payload sent to the hub in order for the hub to identify which device the command is aimed for. In some cases, this can be directly inferred from the value, but when this is not the case, you should include this extra data as part of the customData field.

If you created your app using TypeScript, remember to compile your app to JavaScript. You can use the module system of your choice to write your code. Make sure your target is supported by the Chrome browser.