Support device discovery

A local fulfillment path is established when Google matches a locally-controllable device to a device returned in the SYNC response from your cloud fulfillment.

To enable Google to discover your device on the local network and establish the local fulfillment path, you need to add discovery information in the Actions console. You also need to update the SYNC response from your cloud fulfillment to let Google know about the locally-controllable device.

Set up the scan config information

To specify the discovery information, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Cloud-to-cloud integration in the Google Home Developer Console:

    Go to the Developer Console.

  2. Go to Project > Cloud-to-cloud on the left side of the screen, then select Edit for the integration. In the Setup and configuration page, scroll to Local fulfillment and toggle the setting on. Enter the following URL into each test URL field, insert your project ID, and click Save:


  3. Click + Add scan configuration under Device discovery to add a new scan configuration.

  4. Select a scan matching protocol type from the drop-down and enter values for Google to scan.

The following tables show the attributes you can add, based on the protocols you want Google to use to scan for your device:

Attribute Description Example Value
Service Name Required. Service name published by the device in the format service.domain. _http._tcp.local

Required. Filter for a unique service instance in the format instance.service.domain.

The platform treats this value as a regular expression and returns any matching devices.
Attribute Description Example Value
Service Type Required. Fully qualified identifier of the UPnP service in the format domain:service:type:version. schemas-upnp-org:service:SwitchPower:1

Optional. Organizationally Unique Identifier.

24-bit value identifying the device manufacturer. Typically, the first three octets of the device MAC address.
Attribute Description Example Value
Discovery Address Required. Destination IP address for the UDP broadcast.
Broadcasting Port Required. Destination port for the UDP broadcast. 5555
Listening Port Required. Listen port for the UDP discovery response. 5556
Discovery Packet

Required. Payload to send in the UDP broadcast.

Formatted as a hexadecimal encoded string of bytes.

Update SYNC response in the cloud fulfillment

The SYNC intent reports to Assistant what devices the user controls and their capabilities.

To support local fulfillment, the Local Home platform checks the SYNC response from your smart home Action's cloud fulfillment and tries to match the device IDs in the otherDeviceIds field to the verification ID returned by the IDENTIFY handler. Device entries without an otherDeviceIds field are excluded from local fulfillment.

In the otherDeviceIds field of the SYNC response, you need to set the device IDs of smart home devices that can be locally controlled. The field appears at the device level in the response. Google can establish a local fulfillment path on any device with the given ID.

Use the customData field to specify any additional data Google needs to connect to a standalone device, or to target end devices using a hub (for example, the port number and other protocol-specific information).


The following snippet shows how you might create your SYNC handler.

  "requestId": "ff36a3cc-ec34-11e6-b1a0-64510650abcf",
  "payload": {
    "agentUserId": "1836.15267389",
    "devices": [{
      "id": "123",
      "type": "action.devices.types.OUTLET",
      "traits": [
      "name": {
        "name": "Night light"
      "willReportState": false,
      "otherDeviceIds": [{
        "deviceId": "local-device-id"
      "customData": {
        "port": 5555,
        "authToken": "..."