Before submitting your Cloud-to-cloud integration for certification review, be sure the following steps are complete:
Test Results review — Validates Google Home Test Suite results and any additional materials that apply to the device certification.
Company profile review — Confirms the accuracy of the company information. You cannot apply for certification if you have not completed your company profile.
Verification info — As part of the certification process, Google performs a one-time integration test to verify the integration with your cloud action.
The integration test includes OAuth linking, and may require a manual test as well. It is executed using a test account that you create on your cloud. You must share these credentials with Google so that they can conduct the integration test.
You may delete the test account credentials once the integration test is successfully completed.
Policy review — Verifies that your integration complies with Google's policy guidelines.
Submit your integration for certification
Once all reviews are complete, you can submit your integration for certification.
- Go to Cloud-to-cloud > Certify.
- Any integrations that are ready for submission appear in the
Ready for certification review section.
- If the status is Not Ready, click View issues to see the instructions on how to move forward.
- Read the disclaimer and check the box to agree to the disclaimer.
Make sure all sections of the Submit certification page are completed and all required information has been uploaded.
- Under Verification info, provide the following:
- Test account credentials:
- User Name
- Password
- 2FA PIN (if required)
- Screenshot of OAuth page
- Product links
- Video recording of your Google device or Google Home app (GHA) receiving a notification from your device. See the Notifications page for more details.
- Test account credentials:
- If you implemented App Flip,
provide screenshots and record the following:
- App flip screen
- App flip when clicking Agree and link
- App flip when clicking Cancel
Under Documentation, provide the following:
- Enter your Test Suite results ID.
- Upload a UL/CE certificate if you are launching the following devices
with safety implications:
- action.devices.types.COOKTOP
- action.devices.types.FRYER
- action.devices.types.GRILL
- action.devices.types.KETTLE
- action.devices.types.MICROWAVE
- action.devices.types.MULTICOOKER
- action.devices.types.OVEN
Otherwise check the box if you're not launching a device with safety implications.
- Under Verification info, provide the following:
Click Submit when ready.
We might need to run remote tests on your certified devices or integration that are under certification review. Keep your devices linked to your integration until your certification submission is approved.
Once submitted, your integration appears in the Submitted for Certification section.
Certification approval and integration launch
The following need to be approved in order to launch your integration:
- Policy ticket
- Certification
- Company profile
Once your integration is certified and approved, Google will facilitate the launch of your integration.
If the review was rejected, see Check Certification Status for more information.
Withdraw submission
Any integrations listed in the Submitted for Certification section can be cancelled.
- Select the integration you would like to withdraw and click Withdraw.
- In the confirmation dialog, click Withdraw to confirm.
After withdrawing, the withdrawn integration is moved back to the Integrations for certification section and the status changes back to Ready.
Update an existing integration
Updating an Cloud-to-cloud integration with an existing production version involves two steps:
A developer will need to do all the testing in another integration using a different developer project in the Google Home Developer Console. See the Update your integration section for more details.
When testing is complete, the developer will need to copy all configuration data along with the test result ID from the other project back to the original project and reapply for certification.
We might need to run remote tests on your certified devices or integration that are under certification review. Keep your devices linked to your integration until your certification submission is approved.
Delete an integration
To request a deletion, you must contact your Google technical account manager
or email
Console statuses
The following Console statuses are encountered in the Certification phase:
Section | Status | Description | Requirement | What to do next |
Integrations for certification | N/A | This integration is ready to be submitted for certification review. |
Submit the integration for certification review. |
Submitted for certification | In review | This integration is in certification review. | Successful submission. |
Wait for approval and launch. or
Withdraw the submission if desired. |
Submitted for certification | Approved | The certification submission for the integration was approved and will be launched. |
Google will launch your integration |
Submitted for certification | Rejected | The integration didn't meet certification criteria and can't be resubmitted. | Approval criteria weren't met. |
View issues that are listed in the console. Create a new integration to meet the approval criteria and submit for certification. |