Smart Home TemperatureControl Trait Schema

action.devices.traits.TemperatureControl - Trait for devices (other than thermostats) that support controlling temperature, either within or around the device.

This differs from the TemperatureSetting trait, which is specifically for thermostat-style controls. The TemperatureSetting trait represents ambient (room/outdoor) temperature and should not be used for controlling the temperature of a specific device. In order to control the temperature of a specific device, you must use the TemperatureControl trait.


Devices with this trait may report the following attributes as part of the SYNC operation. To learn more about handling SYNC intents, see Intent fulfillment.

Attributes Type Description
temperatureRange Object


Supported temperature range of the device.

minThresholdCelsius Number


Minimum temperature for the range, in degrees Celsius.

maxThresholdCelsius Number


Maximum temperature for the range, in degrees Celsius.

temperatureStepCelsius Number

Specifies the relative temperature step. This is the minimum adjustment interval the device supports. If unspecified, relative steps are calculated as a percentage of temperatureRange.

temperatureUnitForUX String


Temperature unit used in responses to the user.

Supported values:

commandOnlyTemperatureControl Boolean

(Default: false)

Indicates if the device supports using one-way (true) or two-way (false) communication. Set this attribute to true if the device cannot respond to a QUERY intent or Report State for this trait.

queryOnlyTemperatureControl Boolean

(Default: false)

Required if the device supports query-only execution. This attribute indicates if the device can only be queried for state information, and cannot be controlled.


Device supporting control between 150 and 500 degrees Fahrenheit, in 5 degree increments.

  "temperatureRange": {
    "minThresholdCelsius": 65.5,
    "maxThresholdCelsius": 260
  "temperatureStepCelsius": 2.778,
  "temperatureUnitForUX": "F"


Entities with this trait may report the following states as part of the QUERY operation. To learn more about handling QUERY intents, see Intent fulfillment.

States Type Description
temperatureSetpointCelsius Number

The current temperature setpoint, in degrees Celsius. Must fall within temperatureRange. Required if queryOnlyTemperatureControl set to false

temperatureAmbientCelsius Number

The currently observed temperature, in degrees Celsius. Must fall within temperatureRange.


What temperature is the device set to?

  "temperatureSetpointCelsius": 150


Devices with this trait may respond to the following commands as part of the EXECUTE operation. To learn more about handling EXECUTE intents, see Intent fulfillment.


Set the temperature to a specific value.


Parameters Type Description
temperature Number


The temperature to set, in degrees Celsius. Must fall within temperatureRange.


Set the device to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  "command": "action.devices.commands.SetTemperature",
  "params": {
    "temperature": 176.67

An error occurred setting the target temperature.

Supported values:


Sample utterances

  • Erhöhe die Temperatur des Ofens
  • Stelle die Temperatur des Ofens auf 425 Grad
  • Wie warm ist der Ofen
  • I want the temperature of the oven higher
  • current temperature in the fridge
  • set the oven to 400
  • pon la temperatura del horno a 180 grados
  • sube la temperatura del horno
  • ¿A qué temperatura está el horno ?
  • Le four est à quelle température ?
  • Mets la température du four à 180 degrés .
  • augmente la température du four
  • ओवन का टेम्परेचर कितना है
  • ओवन का तापमान 425 डिग्री पर करें
  • Alza la temperatura del forno
  • Qual è la temperatura del frigo ?
  • metti il forno a 200 gradi
  • オーブン の温度は何度
  • オーブン の温度を 425度 に設定して
  • オーブン の温度を上げて
  • 오븐 온도 180 도로 맞춰
  • 오븐 온도 몇 도야
  • 오븐 온도 좀 높여 줄래
  • stel de oven in op 220 graden
  • verhoog de temperatuur van de oven
  • wat is de temperatuur van de oven
  • Diz-me qual é a temperatura da sala
  • Qual é a temperatura do forno ?
  • ajuste a temperatura do forno para 180 graus
  • aumenta a temperatura do forno
  • aumentar a temperatura do forno
  • define a temperatura do termostato nos 22 graus
  • Vad är det för temperatur i ugnen ?
  • höj temperaturen i ugnen
  • sätt ugnen 100 grader


See the full list of errors and exceptions.