Smart Home OpenClose Trait Schema

action.devices.traits.OpenClose - This trait belongs to devices that support opening and closing, and in some cases opening and closing partially or potentially in more than one direction.


Devices with this trait may report the following attributes as part of the SYNC operation. To learn more about handling SYNC intents, see Intent fulfillment.

Attributes Type Description
discreteOnlyOpenClose Boolean

(Default: false)

When set to true, this indicates that the device must either be fully open or fully closed (that is, it does not support values between 0% and 100%).

openDirection Array

List of supported directions in which the device can open or close. Include this attribute if the device supports opening and closing in more than one direction.

[item, ...] String

Supported direction.

Supported values:

commandOnlyOpenClose Boolean

(Default: false)

Indicates if the device supports using one-way (true) or two-way (false) communication. Set this attribute to true if the device cannot respond to a QUERY intent or Report State for this trait.

queryOnlyOpenClose Boolean

(Default: false)

Indicates if the device can only be queried for state information and cannot be controlled. Sensors that can only report open state should set this field to true.


Simple open-close device.

  "discreteOnlyOpenClose": true

Top-down bottom-up device. Can be opened in either direction.

  "openDirection": [

Command-only device.

  "commandOnlyOpenClose": false


Entities with this trait may report the following states as part of the QUERY operation. To learn more about handling QUERY intents, see Intent fulfillment.

The payload contains one of the following:

Single direction open-close

States Type Description
openPercent Number


Indicates the percentage that a device is opened, where 0 is closed and 100 is fully open.

targetOpenPercent Number

Level indicating the open percent where the device will go or is moving to as a result of an ongoing change in position.

Multiple direction open-close

States Type Description
openState Array


List of states for each supported open direction.

[item, ...] Object

Current state for the given open direction.

openPercent Number


Indicates the percentage that a device is opened, where 0 is closed and 100 is fully open.

targetOpenPercent Number

Level indicating the open percent where the device will go or is moving to as a result of an ongoing change in position.

openDirection String


Direction in which the device is opened.

Supported values:



Simple open-close device.

  "openPercent": 100

Simple open-close device currently opening to a new position.

  "openPercent": 50,
  "targetOpenPercent": 100

Open device by 30% in down direction, and by 50% in up direction.

  "openState": [
      "openPercent": 30,
      "openDirection": "DOWN"
      "openPercent": 50,
      "openDirection": "UP"

Open device by 30% in down direction, and by 50% in up direction, currently moving to 80% in up direction.

  "openState": [
      "openPercent": 30,
      "openDirection": "DOWN"
      "openPercent": 50,
      "targetOpenPercent": 80,
      "openDirection": "UP"


Devices with this trait may respond to the following commands as part of the EXECUTE operation. To learn more about handling EXECUTE intents, see Intent fulfillment.


Set the open-close state of the device.


Parameters Type Description
openPercent Number


Indicates the percentage that a device is opened, where 0 is closed and 100 is fully open.

openDirection String

Direction in which to open. Only present if device supports multiple directions, as indicated by the openDirection attribute, and a direction is specified by the user.

Supported values:

followUpToken String

Google-provided token for follow-up response.


Open the device.

  "command": "action.devices.commands.OpenClose",
  "params": {
    "openPercent": 100,
    "followUpToken": "123"

Open device 50 percent down.

  "command": "action.devices.commands.OpenClose",
  "params": {
    "openPercent": 50,
    "openDirection": "DOWN",
    "followUpToken": "456"

An error occurred setting the open-close state of the device.

Supported values:


Follow-up responses

Devices with this trait may return the following follow-up response payload as part of the EXECUTE operation. To learn more about implementing follow-up responses, see Notifications for smart home Actions.

The payload contains one of the following:


Fields Type Description
followUpToken String


Token provided in the original EXECUTE request.

status String


Result of the request.

Supported values:

openPercent Number


Indicates the percentage that a device is opened where 0 is closed and 100 is fully open.


Fields Type Description
followUpToken String


Token provided in the original EXECUTE request.

status String


Result of the request.

Supported values:

errorCode String


The value can be any error code for this trait, for example, lockedState.


Open the garage door. (follow-up response for success case)

  "OpenClose": {
    "priority": 0,
    "followUpResponse": {
      "openPercent": 100,
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "followUpToken": "1234"

Open the garage door. (follow-up response for failure case)

  "OpenClose": {
    "priority": 0,
    "followUpResponse": {
      "errorCode": "lockedState",
      "status": "FAILURE",
      "followUpToken": "1234"


Adjust the open-close state of the device relative to the current state. This command is only available if commandOnlyOpenClose is set to false.

This command requires the following attributes:
  "commandOnlyOpenClose": false


Parameters Type Description
openRelativePercent Number


The exact percentage to change open-close state. Ambigous relative commands will be converted to an exact percentage parameter (for example, "Open the blinds a little more" vs "Open the blinds by 5%").

openDirection String

Direction in which to open. Only present if device supports multiple directions, as indicated by the openDirection attribute, and a direction is specified by the user.

Supported values:



Open the device a little more

  "command": "action.devices.commands.OpenCloseRelative",
  "params": {
    "openRelativePercent": 5

Close the device 10% more

  "command": "action.devices.commands.OpenCloseRelative",
  "params": {
    "openRelativePercent": -10

Open device 50% more, downward.

  "command": "action.devices.commands.OpenCloseRelative",
  "params": {
    "openRelativePercent": 50,
    "openDirection": "DOWN"

An error occurred setting the open-close state of the device.

Supported values:


Sample utterances

  • Bitte öffne die Jalousien auf 30%
  • Fensterläden um 25 % schliessen
  • Ist die Jalousie zu?
  • Mach den Rollladen zu
  • Mach die Rollos auf
  • schließe die Rollläden ein bisschen mehr
  • Öffne die Jalousien um 25%
  • Are the blinds in the kitchen open
  • Close the blinds 25% in my room
  • Close the door more
  • Just close the front door
  • open the blinds in my room
  • open the blinds to 25%
  • open the door by 25%
  • abre la ventana del salón
  • cerrar persianas del dormitorio un 20%
  • cierra la cortina del salón
  • cierra mucho más la ventana
  • está abierta la puerta
  • quiero que subas la persiana al 25%
  • sube un 20% las persianas
  • baisse les stores de 10%
  • est-ce que la porte d'entrée est ouverte
  • ferme les stores
  • ferme un peu les stores
  • ouvre les stores
  • ouvre les stores de la chambre de 25%
  • ouvre les stores à 25%
  • कृपया 25% पर्दे को खुला रखो
  • क्या मैंने सामने वाला दरवाजा खुला छोड दिया?
  • पर्दे को 25% बंद करोगे
  • पर्दे खोलो
  • ब्लाइंड 25% खुले पर सेट कर दीजिए
  • ब्लाइंड को थोड़ा और बंद कर दिजिए
  • ब्लाइंड बंद करें
  • abbassa un po' di più le tapparelle
  • apri la serranda
  • apri la tapparella al 30%
  • apri le serrande del 30%
  • chiudi le serrande
  • chiudi le tende del 25%
  • è aperta la porta d'ingresso
  • 25% ブラインド を開けて
  • 25% ブラインド を閉めてください
  • 25% ブラインド 開けて
  • ブラインド 閉めて
  • ブラインド 開けて
  • 少し ブラインド を閉じて
  • 玄関のドア は開いてますか
  • 살짝만 닫아 줘
  • 블라인드 25% 열어 줘
  • 블라인드 25% 까지 열어 줘
  • 블라인드 30프로 닫아
  • 블라인드 닫아 줘
  • 블라인드 열어 줘
  • 안방 문 열렸어
  • doe de gordijnen 25% open
  • doe de jaloezieën voor 25% dicht
  • doe het raam ietsje meer dicht
  • is de voordeur open
  • open de gordijnen
  • sluit het gordijn
  • zet de luxaflex voor 50% open
  • Abrir janela 50%
  • As cortinas estão abertas?
  • Fecha a persiana toda
  • Fechar a janela 10%
  • a cortina do quarto está aberta?
  • abra a persiana até 30%
  • abre as cortinas
  • abre as cortinas a 50%
  • abrir as cortinas
  • abrir as cortinas na sala em 30%
  • fecha a persiana por favor
  • fecha um bocado a janela
  • fechar as cortinas em 25%
  • fechar um pouco mais as cortinas
  • Dra upp persiennerna
  • Dra upp persiennerna till 25%
  • stäng persiennen i mitt rum 25%
  • stäng persiennerna
  • är ytterdörren öppen?
  • öppna persiennerna med 25%


See the full list of errors and exceptions.