ابزارهای ابر به ابر

Learn to enable local fulfillment with the Local Home SDK to enhance smart home integrations with the Assistant.

Learn how to use GCP Metrics and Logging to identify and resolve production issues. Learn how to use the Test Suite to identify functional and API issues. Learn how to use Chrome Dev Tools while developing your Local Home app.

Learn to enhance and secure your Cloud-to-cloud integration through customizable device traits and secure them with two-factor authentication.

Learn how to stream from a webcam to a Google Nest display device with the CameraStream trait and WebRTC.

Build and deploy a Cloud-to-cloud integration to integrate a virtual smart washer to the Assistant.

In this codelab, learn how to detect outages by setting up automated alerts on your Smart Home integration.

Learn how to use GCP Metrics and Logging to identify and resolve production issues. Learn how to use the Test Suite to identify functional and API issues.

Learn how to use Log-based Metrics on Google Cloud to track patterns and analyze your Smart Home integration error logs.

In this codelab, you will build a Custom Web Receiver app to play content on Cast-enabled devices.

In this codelab, you will modify an existing iOS video app to cast content on a Google Cast-enabled device.