On Smart Displays with Google Assistant, in the Google Assistant app and in the Google Home app (GHA), users can control devices in their home with a graphical interface. This may be a slider to control the temperature of a thermostat, or a button to turn a light on and off. These touch controls serve as a complement to voice commands.
These controls are automatically enabled; no development work is required.
Smart Displays with Google Assistant
On Smart Displays with Assistant, touch controls are based on the traits supported by the device.
Fullscreen View
![This image shows touch controls for controlling the temperature of a thermostat from the fullscreen view on Smart Displays with Google Assistant](https://developers.home.google.com/static/cloud-to-cloud/features/images/touch-controls-smartdisplayfull.png?authuser=4)
Tiled View
![This image shows touch controls for controlling the temperature of a thermostat from the tiled view on Smart Displays with Google Assistant](https://developers.home.google.com/static/cloud-to-cloud/features/images/touch-controls-smartdisplaytile.png?authuser=4)
Supported Traits
- Brightness
- CameraStream
- Channel
- ColorSetting
- Dock
- FanSpeed
- LockUnlock
- Modes
- NetworkControl
- OnOff
- OpenClose
- RunCycle
- StartStop
- TemperatureSetting
- Toggles
- TransportControl
- Volume
Supported Device Types
All device types (but Scene) have icons displayed alongside touch controls associated to the supported traits implemented by that device.
![This image shows the icon for a thermostat device on Smart Displays with Google Assistant.](https://developers.home.google.com/static/cloud-to-cloud/features/images/touch-controls-smartdisplayicon.png?authuser=4)
If a device doesn't implement any of the supported traits a placeholder is displayed to the user suggesting the use of voice control.
![This image shows the placeholder displayed for a device with unsupported traits.](https://developers.home.google.com/static/cloud-to-cloud/features/images/touch-controls-smartdisplayunsupported.png?authuser=4)
Google Assistant App
![This image shows touch controls for controlling the temperature of
the hallway thermostat.](https://developers.home.google.com/static/cloud-to-cloud/features/images/touch-controls-assistantapp.png?authuser=4)
Supported Traits
Supported Device Types
- Air conditioning unit
- Air purifier
- Bathtub
- Camera
- Coffee maker
- Dishwasher
- Dryer
- Fan
- Heater
- Humidifier
- Light
- Outlet
- Oven
- Radiator
- Media remote
- Set-top box
- Sprinkler
- Switch
- Thermostat
- Washer
Google Home App
![This image shows touch controls for controlling the temperature of
a thermostat.](https://developers.home.google.com/static/cloud-to-cloud/features/images/touch-controls-homeapp.png?authuser=4)
Supported Traits
Supported Device Types
- Air conditioning unit
- Air purifier
- Bathtub
- Camera
- Coffee maker
- Dishwasher
- Dryer
- Fan
- Heater
- Humidifier
- Light
- Outlet
- Oven
- Radiator
- Media remote
- Set-top box
- Sprinkler
- Switch
- Thermostat
- Washer