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Enumeration members
Enumeration members
Received when a Constants.EventType event is sent from the platform. Currently only available for BLE Seamless Setup projects. For more details, see EventHandler.
Handle an execution request for a device with an established local execution path. For more details, see ExecuteHandler.
Report devices discovered using your scan configuration that support local fulfillment. For more details, see IdentifyHandler.
Sent when the user selects a device on Google Home app before clicking setup. The purpose is to give the user some visual indicator on which device is being set up. Currently only available for BLE Seamless Setup projects. For more details, see IndicateHandler.
A BLE notification is received by the platform. Currently only available for BLE Seamless Setup projects. For more details, see ParseNotificationHandler.
Sent when the user clicks setup on Google Home app to initiate device setup. Currently only available for BLE Seamless Setup projects. For more details, see ProvisionHandler.
A proxy is selected for reachable devices. For more details, see ProxySelectedHandler.
Fetch the state of the device. For more details, see QueryHandler.
Report additional devices connected through a local proxy or hub. For more details, see ReachableDevicesHandler.
Sent after a device is provisioned to ask for types and traits information. The purpose of the local intent is equivalent to the SYNC intent sent to your cloud fulfillment, so the logic for locally processing the intent resembles how you handle it in the cloud. Currently only available for BLE Seamless Setup projects. For more details, see RegisterHandler.
Sent when the user chooses to unlink from Google Home app or factory reset your device. Currently only available for BLE Seamless Setup projects. For more details, see UnprovisionHandler.
Smart home intents for discovery and control of local devices.