
public static abstract @interface CommissioningService.CommissioningError implements Annotation

Enumeration of valid error code values for CommissioningService.sendCommissioningError(int)

Constant Summary

int ATTESTATION_FAILED Indicates a failure of device attestation.
int DEVICE_UNREACHABLE Indicates a failure occurred because the device could not be reached on the network.
int OTHER Indicates a failure that cannot be described by a more specific error code.

Inherited Method Summary

abstract Class<? extends Annotation>
abstract boolean
equals(Object arg0)
abstract int
abstract String


public static final int ATTESTATION_FAILED

Indicates a failure of device attestation.

Constant Value: 1002

public static final int DEVICE_UNREACHABLE

Indicates a failure occurred because the device could not be reached on the network.

Constant Value: 1001

public static final int OTHER

Indicates a failure that cannot be described by a more specific error code.

Constant Value: 1000