일반적인 자동화 조건입니다. 이는 유형이 지정된 구조체입니다.
필드 중 하나
유형 | 확장된 구조체 |
및 | AndCondition |
device.state.AppSelector | AppSelectorState |
device.state.ArmDisarm | ArmDisarmState |
device.state.Brightness | BrightnessState |
device.state.Channel | ChannelState |
device.state.ColorSetting | ColorSettingState |
device.state.Cook | CookState |
device.state.Dock | DockState |
device.state.EnergyStorage | EnergyStorageState |
device.state.FanSpeed | FanSpeedState |
device.state.Fill | FillState |
device.state.HumiditySetting | HumiditySettingState |
device.state.InputSelector | InputSelectorState |
device.state.LightEffects | LightEffectsState |
device.state.LockUnlock | LockUnlockState |
device.state.MediaState | MediaStateState |
device.state.MotionDetection | MotionDetectionState |
device.state.OccupancySensing | OccupancySensingState |
device.state.Online | OnlineState |
device.state.OnOff | OnOffState |
device.state.OpenClose | OpenCloseState |
device.state.Record | RecordState |
device.state.Rotation | RotationState |
device.state.RunCycle | RunCycleState |
device.state.SensorState | SensorStateState |
device.state.StartStop | StartStopState |
device.state.TemperatureControl | TemperatureControlState |
device.state.TemperatureSetting | TemperatureSettingState |
device.state.Timer | TimerState |
device.state.Volume | VolumeState |
home.state.HomePresence | ModeState |
않는 | NotCondition |
또는 | OrCondition |
time.between | TimeBetweenState |
간단한 조건: 집에 사람이 있는 경우
type: home.state.HomePresence
state: homePresenceMode
is: HOME
AND 조건을 사용합니다. TV가 켜져 있고 시간이 오후 6시 이후인 경우
type: and
- type: device.state.OnOff
device: TV - Living Room
state: on
is: true
- type: time.between
after: 6:00 pm