Beispiel-App für Smart-Home-APIs für Android
Dieses Beispiel ist eine Android-App, die grundlegende Funktionen für den Gerätezugriff und die Gerätesteuerung mithilfe der Home APIs zeigt.
- Google Home
- Gebäude-APIs
- Android
- Kotlin
Google Home Beispiel-App für die Rechtsangelegenheit
Dieses Beispiel ist eine Android-App, die Google Home ähnelt.
- Matter
- Android
- Kotlin
Intent-basierte Inbetriebnahme für Matter
Diese Beispiel-App zeigt, wie Sie ein Matter-Gerät in Betrieb nehmen können, wenn im Sucher der Kamera auf einem Android-Gerät ein mit Matter kompatibler QR-Code angezeigt wird.
- Matter
- Android
- Kotlin
Device Access web application
A fully-functioning web application to control Nest cameras, doorbells, and thermostats.
- Gerätezugriff
- Firebase
- JavaScript
Smart Home error reporting utility
A sample that illustrates how to integrate Stackdriver with your smart home service in order to process errors when your service sends an invalid response to the Google Assistant.
- Cloud zu Cloud
- Firebase
- JavaScript
Cast Web Sender
A reference Web Sender sample app to be used as the starting point for your Web Sender app.
- Google Cast
- Web
- JavaScript
Cast Android Universal Media Player
A sample audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provides a consistent user experience for Cast and other Android devices such as Auto and Wear.
- Google Cast
- Android
- Kotlin
Local Home SDK sample
A sample that demonstrates how to use the Local Home SDK to add a local path to handle smart home intents.
- Cloud zu Cloud
- Firebase
- TypeScript
- Home Graph API
Smart Home sample using Node.js
A fully-functioning Node.js example of a Smart Home provider cloud service.
- Cloud zu Cloud
- TypeScript
- Home Graph API
Cast Android Sender
A reference Android Sender sample app to be used as the starting point for your Android Sender app.
- Google Cast
- Android
- Java
Cast iOS Video app
A demo app that shows how an iOS Sender app casts video. Includes targets for both Objective-C and Swift. This app is not fully compliant with the UX Checklist.
- Google Cast
- iOS
- Swift
- Objective-C
Cast Android TV Receiver
A reference Android TV Receiver sample app that illustrates the use of Cast Connect.
- Google Cast
- Android TV
- Android
- Java
Cast iOS Sender
A reference iOS Sender sample app to be used as the starting point for your iOS Sender app. Includes targets for both Objective-C and Swift.
- Google Cast
- iOS
- Swift
- Objective-C
Cast Custom Web Receiver
A reference Web Receiver sample app to be used as the starting point for your Custom Web Receiver.
- Google Cast
- Web
- JavaScript
Smart Home sample using Java
A fully-functioning Java example of a Smart Home provider cloud service.
- Cloud zu Cloud
- Java
- Home Graph API