Control devices on Android

Check if a trait supports a command

Support can also be checked for a trait command. Also use the trait-level supports function to check if a command is supported for a particular device.

For example, to check for a device's support of the On/Off trait's toggle command:

// Check if the OnOff trait supports the toggle command.
if (onOffTrait.supports(OnOff.Command.Toggle)) {
  println("onOffTrait supports toggle command")
} else {
  println("onOffTrait does not support stateful toggle command")

Send a command to a device

Sending a command is similar to reading a state attribute from a trait. To turn the device on or off, use the OnOff trait's Toggle command, which is defined in the Google Home ecosystem data model as toggle(). This method changes onOff to false if it is true, or to true if it is false:

// Calling a command on a trait.
try {
} catch (e: HomeException) {
  // Code for handling the exception

All trait commands are suspend functions and only complete when a response is returned by the API (such as confirming the device state has changed). Commands might return an exception if an issue is detected with the execution flow. As a developer, you should use a try-catch block to properly handle these exceptions, and surface detailed information to users on cases where the errors are actionable. Unhandled exceptions will stop the app runtime and can result in crashes in your app.

Alternatively, use the off() or on() commands to explicitly set the state:

After sending a command to change the state, once it completes you can read the state as described in Read a device state to handle it in your app. Alternatively, use flows as described in Observe state, which is the preferred method.

Send a command with parameters

Some commands may use parameters, like those on the OnOff or LevelControl traits:

// Turn off the light using the DyingLight effect.
  effectIdentifier = OnOffTrait.EffectIdentifierEnum.DyingLight,
  effectVariant = 0u,
// Change the brightness of the light to 50%
  level = 127u.toUByte(),
  transitionTime = null,
  optionsMask = LevelControlTrait.OptionsBitmap(),
  optionsOverride = LevelControlTrait.OptionsBitmap(),

Some commands have optional arguments, which come after the required arguments.

For example, the step command for the FanControl trait has two optional arguments:

val fanControlTraitFlow: Flow<FanControl?> =
  device.type(FanDevice).map { it.standardTraits.fanControl }.distinctUntilChanged()

val fanControl = fanControlTraitFlow.firstOrNull()

// Calling a command with optional parameters not set.
fanControl?.step(direction = FanControlTrait.StepDirectionEnum.Increase)

// Calling a command with optional parameters.
fanControl?.step(direction = FanControlTrait.StepDirectionEnum.Increase) { wrap = true }

Check if a trait supports an attribute

Some devices may support a Matter trait, but not a specific attribute. For example, a Cloud-to-cloud device that was mapped to Matter may not support every Matter attribute. To handle cases like these, use the trait-level supports function and the trait's Attribute enum to check if the attribute is supported for a particular device.

For example, to check for a device's support of the On/Off trait's onOff attribute:

// Check if the OnOff trait supports the onOff attribute.
if (onOffTrait.supports(OnOff.Attribute.onOff)) {
  println("onOffTrait supports onOff state")
} else {
  println("onOffTrait is for a command only device!")

Some attributes are nullable in the Matter specification or the Cloud-to-cloud smart home schema. For these attributes, you can determine whether a null returned by the attribute is due to the device not reporting that value, or if the attribute's value actually is null, by using isNullable in addition to supports:

// Check if a nullable attribute is set or is not supported.
if (onOffTrait.supports(OnOff.Attribute.startUpOnOff)) {
  // The device supports startupOnOff, it is safe to expect this value in the trait.
  if (OnOff.Attribute.startUpOnOff.isNullable && onOffTrait.startUpOnOff == null) {
    // This value is nullable and set to null. Check the specification as to
    // what null in this case means
    println("onOffTrait supports startUpOnOff and it is null")
  } else {
    // This value is nullable and set to a value.
    println("onOffTrait supports startUpOnOff and it is set to ${onOffTrait.startUpOnOff}")
} else {
  println("onOffTrait does not support startUpOnOff!")

Update trait attributes

If you want to change the value of a given attribute, and none of the trait's commands does so, the attribute may support having its value explicitly set.

Whether the value of an attribute can be changed depends on two factors:

  • Is the attribute writable?
  • Can the value of the attribute change as a side effect of sending a trait command?

The reference documentation for traits and their attributes provides this information.

Therefore, the combinations of properties that dictate how an attribute's value might be changed are:

Example of using the update function to change an attribute's value

This example shows how to explicitly set the value of the DoorLockTrait.WrongCodeEntryLimit attribute.

To set an attribute value, call the trait's update function and pass it a mutator function that sets the new value. It's a good practice to first verify that the trait supports an attribute.

For example:

    var doorLockDevice = home.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(DoorLock) }

    val traitFlow: Flow<DoorLock?> =
      doorLockDevice.type(DoorLockDevice).map { it.standardTraits.doorLock }.distinctUntilChanged()

    val doorLockTrait: DoorLock = traitFlow.first()!!

    if (doorLockTrait.supports(DoorLock.Attribute.wrongCodeEntryLimit)) {
      val unused = doorLockTrait.update { setWrongCodeEntryLimit(3u) }

Send multiple commands at once

The Batching API allows a client to send multiple Home APIs device commands in a single payload. The commands are batched into a single payload and executed in parallel, similar to how one might construct a Home API automation using the parallel node, such as the Open blinds before sunrise example. However, the Batching API allows for more complex and sophisticated behaviors than the Automation API, such as the ability to dynamically select devices at runtime according to any criteria.

The commands in one batch can target multiple traits across multiple devices, in multiple rooms, in multiple structures.

Sending commands in a batch allows devices to perform actions simultaneously, which isn't really possible when commands are sent sequentially in separate requests. The behavior achieved using batched commands allows the developer to set the state of a group of devices to match a predetermined aggregate state.

Use the Batching API

There are three basic steps involved in invoking commands through the Batching API:

  1. Invoke the Home.sendBatchedCommands() method.
  2. Within the body of the sendBatchedCommands() block, specify the commands to be included in the batch.
  3. Check the results of the sent commands to see whether they succeeded or failed.

Invoke the sendBatchedCommands() method

Call the Home.sendBatchedCommands() method. Behind the scenes, this method sets up a lambda expression in a special batch context.

home.sendBatchedCommands() {

Specify batch commands

Within the body of the sendBatchedCommands() block, populate batchable commands. Batchable commands are "shadow" versions of existing Device API commands that can be used in a batch context, and are named with the added suffix Batchable. For example, the LevelControl trait's moveToLevel() command has a counterpart named moveToLevelBatchable().


  val response1 = add(command1)

  val response2 = add(command2)

The batch is automatically sent once all commands have been added to the batch context and execution has left the context.

Responses are captured in DeferredResponse<T> objects.

The DeferredResponse<T> instances can be gathered into an object of any type, such as a Collection, or a data class that you define. Whatever type of object you choose to assemble the responses is what is returned by sendBatchedCommands(). For example, the batch context can return two DeferredResponse instances in a Pair:

  val (response1, response2) = homeClient.sendBatchedComamnds {
    val response1 = add(someCommandBatched(...))
    val response2 = add(someOtherCommandBatched(...))
    Pair(response1, response2)

Alternatively, the batch context can return the DeferredResponse instances in a custom data class:

  // Custom data class
  data class SpecialResponseHolder(
    val response1: DeferredResponse<String>,
    val response2: DeferredResponse<Int>,
    val other: OtherResponses
  data class OtherResponses(...)

Check each response

Outside the sendBatchedCommands() block, check the responses to determine whether the corresponding command succeeded or failed. This is done by calling DeferredResponse.getOrThrow(), which either: - returns the result of the executed command, - or, if the batch scope has not completed or the command was unsuccessful, throws an error.

You should only check the results outside of the sendBatchedCommands() lambda scope.


Say you wanted to build an app that uses the Batching API to set up a 'good night' scene that configures all the devices in the home for nighttime, when everyone is asleep. This app should turn out the lights and lock the front and back doors.

Here's one way to approach the task:

val lightDevices: List<OnOffLightDevice>
val doorlockDevices: List<DoorLockDevice>

// Send all the commands
val responses: List<DeferredResponse<Unit>> = home.sendBatchedCommands {
  // For each light device, send a Batchable command to turn it on
  val lightResponses: List<DeferredResponse<Unit>> = { lightDevice ->

  // For each doorlock device, send a Batchable command to lock it
  val doorLockResponse: List<DeferredResponse<Unit>> = { doorlockDevice ->

  lightResponses + doorLockResponses

// Check that all responses were successful
for (response in responses) {