El tipo de dispositivo Thermostat se puede implementar con varios atributos de la API de Home, pero el atributo principal es Thermostat
. A continuación, se muestran los atributos obligatorios y opcionales para los dispositivos Thermostat.
Tipo de dispositivo de las APIs de Home | Rasgos | App de ejemplo | Caso de uso |
TermostatoEs un dispositivo que puede tener sensores integrados o independientes para la temperatura, la humedad o la ocupación, y permite establecer la temperatura deseada. Un Nest Thermostat puede enviar notificaciones de requisitos de calefacción o enfriamiento a una unidad de calefacción o enfriamiento (por ejemplo, un acondicionador de aire interior) o puede incluir un mecanismo para controlar una unidad de calefacción o enfriamiento directamente. |
Rasgos obligatorios matter Identify matter Thermostat Rasgos opcionales
matter Configuración de la interfaz de usuario del termostato google Thermostat extendido |
Termostato |
Compatibilidad con la API de Automation
Los siguientes atributos y elementos de Thermostat son compatibles con la API de Automation.
Cómo obtener la temperatura ambiente
Cómo obtener la temperatura ambiente con el Nest Thermostat
Para obtener la temperatura ambiente del termostato con el atributo Thermostat
, lee el atributo localTemperature
API de Device
// Get the ambient temperature val thermostat = home.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(Thermostat) } val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat .type(ThermostatDevice) .mapNotNull { it.standardTraits.thermostat } .distinctUntilChanged() val localTempFlow = thermostatTraitFlow.mapNotNull { it?.localTemperature }
API de Automation
val automation = automation { sequential { val starterNode = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // If the temperature is higher than 35C... condition { expression = starterNode.localTemperature greaterThan 35 } // ...and the automation hasn't been run for at least an hour... suppressFor(Duration.ofHours(1)) // ...broadcast a message action(speaker, SpeakerDevice) { command(AssistantBroadcast.broadcast("It's very hot outside.")) } } }
Cómo obtener la temperatura ambiente con TemperatureMeasurement
Para obtener la temperatura ambiente del termostato con el atributo TemperatureMeasurement
, lee el atributo measuredValue
API de Device
val temperatureTraitFlow: Flow<TemperatureMeasurement?> = thermostat .type(TemperatureSensorDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.temperatureMeasurement } .distinctUntilChanged() val localTemp: Short? = temperatureTraitFlow.first()?.measuredValue
API de Automation
val automation = automation { sequential { val temperature = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, TemperatureMeasurement) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(light, DimmableLightDevice, OnOff) condition() { val expr1 = temperature.measuredValue greaterThanOrEquals 35 val expr2 = stateReaderNode.onOff equals true expression = expr1 and expr2 } action(light, DimmableLightDevice) { command(OnOff.on()) } } }
Cómo obtener la temperatura promedio con ExtendedThermostat
Para obtener la temperatura promedio de varios sensores, lee el atributo averageLocalTemperature
de la función ExtendedThermostat
API de Device
// Get the average temperature val thermostat = home.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(TemperatureSensorDevice) } val temperatureTraitFlow: Flow<TemperatureMeasurement?> = thermostat .type(TemperatureSensorDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.temperatureMeasurement } .distinctUntilChanged() val localTemp: Short? = temperatureTraitFlow.first()?.measuredValue
API de Automation
val automation = automation { sequential { val temperature = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, ExtendedThermostat) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(light, DimmableLightDevice, OnOff) // if the average temperature is >= 35C condition() { val expr1 = temperature.averageLocalTemperature greaterThanOrEquals 35 val expr2 = stateReaderNode.onOff equals true expression = expr1 and expr2 } // Turn on the light action(light, DimmableLightDevice) { command(OnOff.on()) } } }
Cómo obtener la humedad ambiental
Para obtener la humedad ambiental del termostato con el atributo RelativeHumidityMeasurement
, lee el atributo measuredValue
API de Device
// Get the ambient humidity val humidityTraitFlow: Flow<RelativeHumidityMeasurement?> = humiditySensingThermostat .type(HumiditySensorDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.relativeHumidityMeasurement } .distinctUntilChanged() val localHumidity: UShort? = humidityTraitFlow.first()?.measuredValue
API de Automation
val automation = automation { sequential { val humidity = starter<_>(thermostat, HumiditySensorDevice, RelativeHumidityMeasurement) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(light, DimmableLightDevice, OnOff) // if the ambient humidity is >= 80% condition() { val expr1 = (humidity.measuredValue greaterThanOrEquals 80u) val expr2 = (stateReaderNode.onOff equals true) expression = expr1 and expr2 } // Turn on the light action(light, DimmableLightDevice) { command(OnOff.on()) } } }
Selecciona la escala de temperatura que se muestra
Para cambiar la unidad de medida de temperatura que se usa en la pantalla del termostato, establece el atributo temperatureDisplayMode
de ThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationTrait
en TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Celsius
o TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit
API de Device
// Set the displayed temperature scale to Fahrenheit val uiConfig = home .devices() .list() .filter { device -> device.has(ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration) } .first() val uiConfigTraitFlow: Flow<ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration?> = uiConfig .type(ThermostatDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.thermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration } .distinctUntilChanged() val uiConfigTrait: ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration = uiConfigTraitFlow.first()!! if ( uiConfigTrait.supports(ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration.Attribute.temperatureDisplayMode) ) { val unused = uiConfigTrait.update { setTemperatureDisplayMode(TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit) } }
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration) // When someone says "Show the temperature in Fahrenheit", val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Show the temperature in Fahrenheit")) } // if the temperature isn't being shown in Fahrenheit condition() { expression = stateReaderNode.temperatureDisplayMode notEquals TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit } // display the current temperature using Fahrenheit action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { update(ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration) { setTemperatureDisplayMode(TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit) } } } }
Cambia el modo de operación
El termostato se puede limitar a ciertos modos de funcionamiento, definidos por ThermostatTrait.SystemModeEnum
, configurando el atributo ThermostatTrait.Attributes.systemMode
, cuyos valores se definen en ThermostatTrait.Attributes.SystemModeEnum
API de Device
val thermostatDevice = structure.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(Thermostat) } val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! // Set the system mode to Auto if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.systemMode)) { val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setSystemMode(SystemModeEnum.Auto) } }
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true // When the door lock state changes sequential { val doorLockEvent = starter<_>(doorLock, DoorLockDevice, LockOperationEvent) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, SimplifiedThermostat) // if the door is unlocked and the thermostat is in Eco mode condition() { val expr1 = (doorLockEvent.lockOperationType equals LockOperationTypeEnum.Unlock) val expr2 = (stateReaderNode.systemMode equals SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Eco) expression = expr1 and expr2 } // Set the thermostat to Auto mode action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command(SimplifiedThermostat.setSystemMode(SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Auto)) } } }
Cuando el termostato está configurado en SystemModeEnum.Auto
, se puede leer información adicional sobre el modo de funcionamiento del termostato desde ThermostatTrait.Attributes.thermostatRunningMode
, que se propaga con valores de ThermostatRunningModeEnum
API de Device
// Get the current thermostat running mode val runningModeTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val runningMode: ThermostatTrait.ThermostatRunningModeEnum? = runningModeTraitFlow.first()?.thermostatRunningMode
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // at 10:00am val unused = starter<_>(structure, Time.ScheduledTimeEvent) { parameter(Time.ScheduledTimeEvent.clockTime(LocalTime.of(10, 0, 0, 0))) } // if the thermostat is in Auto mode and is currently cooling condition() { val expr1 = (stateReaderNode.systemMode equals ThermostatTrait.SystemModeEnum.Auto) val expr2 = (stateReaderNode.thermostatRunningMode equals ThermostatTrait.ThermostatRunningModeEnum.Cool) expression = expr1 and expr2 } // announce that it's in Cool mode action(structure) { command(AssistantBroadcast.broadcast("The thermostat is currently running in Cool mode.")) } } }
está diseñado para optimizar el proceso de configuración del modo de funcionamiento en las automatizaciones. Para cambiar el modo de funcionamiento del termostato con SimplifiedThermostatTrait
, usa SetSystemModeCommand
, cuyos valores se definen con SimplifiedThermostatTrait.SystemModeEnum
Esta función solo está disponible para usar con la API de Automation.
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { // When the presence state changes... val starterNode = starter<_>(structure, AreaPresenceState) // ...and if the area is unoccupied... condition() { expression = starterNode.presenceState equals PresenceState.PresenceStateVacant } // Set the thermostat to Eco mode action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command(SimplifiedThermostat.setSystemMode(SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Eco)) } } }
Para determinar los modos del sistema en los que puede funcionar un termostato, lee ThermostatTrait.Attributes.controlSequenceOfOperation
, cuyos valores están determinados por ThermostatTrait.ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum
API de Device
// Get the controlSequenceOfOperation val standardTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val controlSequenceOfOperation: ThermostatTrait.ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum? = standardTraitFlow.first()?.controlSequenceOfOperation
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // When someone says "Switch to cool mode", val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Switch to cool mode")) } // if the thermostat is capable of operating in Cool mode, condition() { val expr1 = stateReaderNode.controlSequenceOfOperation notEquals ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum.HeatingOnly val expr2 = stateReaderNode.controlSequenceOfOperation notEquals ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum.HeatingWithReheat expression = expr1 and expr2 } action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { // switch to Cool mode update(SimplifiedThermostat) { command(SimplifiedThermostat.setSystemMode(SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Cool)) } } } }
Cambia el modo de operación de programación
El modo de operación de programación del termostato se puede cambiar con el thermostatProgrammingOperationMode
de Thermostat
, cuyos valores se definen en ProgrammingOperationModeBitmap
API de Device
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.thermostatProgrammingOperationMode)) { val programmingOperationMode = thermostatTrait.thermostatProgrammingOperationMode!! // Enable autoRecovery on the thermostatProgrammingOperationMode val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setThermostatProgrammingOperationMode( ThermostatTrait.ProgrammingOperationModeBitmap( programmingOperationMode.scheduleActive, true, programmingOperationMode.economy, ) ) } }
API de Automation
// When someone says "Reset programming operation mode" val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Reset programming operation mode")) } // Set all the flags on the programming operation mode action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { update(Thermostat) { setThermostatProgrammingOperationMode(ProgrammingOperationModeBitmap(true, true, true)) } } } }
Cambia el punto de ajuste de temperatura
Para cambiar el punto de ajuste de temperatura con Thermostat
, llama a ThermostatTrait.SetpointRaiseLowerCommand
API de Device
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! // lower the temperature setpoint by 1 degree C thermostatTrait.setpointRaiseLower(amount = 1, mode = SetpointRaiseLowerModeEnum.Cool)
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // At 10:00pm val unused = starter<_>(structure, Time.ScheduledTimeEvent) { parameter(Time.ScheduledTimeEvent.clockTime(LocalTime.of(22, 0, 0, 0))) } // if the setpoint is warmer than 19C condition() { expression = stateReaderNode.occupiedCoolingSetpoint greaterThan 19 } // lower the temperature setpoint by 5 degrees action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command(Thermostat.setpointRaiseLower(SetpointRaiseLowerModeEnum.Cool, 5)) } } }
Priorizar un punto de ajuste de temperatura
Puedes hacer que un punto de ajuste de temperatura tenga prioridad sobre un programa preprogramado si configuras el atributo temperatureSetpointHold
de ThermostatTrait
en TemperatureSetpointHoldEnum.SetpointHoldOn
, o bien hacer que el programa tenga prioridad si lo configuras en TemperatureSetpointHoldEnum.SetpointHoldOff
API de Device
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.temperatureSetpointHold)) { // Set temperatureSetpointHold to SetpointHoldOn // allowing temperature setpoints to override any preprogrammed schedules. val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setTemperatureSetpointHold(TemperatureSetpointHoldEnum.SetpointHoldOn) }
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { // When someone says "Prioritize thermostat setpoint" val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Prioritize thermostat setpoint")) } // make temperature setpoints override any preprogrammed schedules. action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { val unused2 = update(Thermostat) { setTemperatureSetpointHold(TemperatureSetpointHoldEnum.SetpointHoldOn) } } }
Establece ThermostatTrait.Attributes.temperatureSetpointHoldDuration
para controlar durante cuántos minutos está activa la retención del punto de ajuste.
API de Device
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.temperatureSetpointHoldDuration)) { // Set the setpoint hold duration to 60 minutes val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration(60u) } }
API de Automation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) val unused = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // if the temperature setpoint hold duration is less than 60 minutes... condition() { expression = stateReaderNode.temperatureSetpointHoldDuration.lessThan(60u) } // ...and the automation hasn't been run for at least 24 hours... suppressFor(Duration.ofHours(24)) // ...set the temperature setpoint hold duration to 60 minutes action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { val unused2 = update(Thermostat) { setTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration(60u) } } } }
Para cambiar la política de retención del punto de ajuste de temperatura, que determina cómo y cuándo finaliza un estado de retención del termostato, llama a ThermostatTrait.SetTemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyCommand
Los valores válidos se determinan según TemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyBitmap
API de Device
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.temperatureSetpointHoldPolicy)) { // Set the temperature setpoint hold policy to holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged val unused = thermostatTrait.setTemperatureSetpointHoldPolicy( ThermostatTrait.TemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyBitmap( holdDurationElapsed = false, holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged = true, ) ) } val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { // When someone says "Set my preferred hold duration", val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Set my preferred hold duration")) } // set the temperature setpoint hold policy to holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command( Thermostat.setTemperatureSetpointHoldPolicy( TemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyBitmap( holdDurationElapsed = false, holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged = true, ) ) ) } } }