O tipo de dispositivo termostato pode ser implementado usando vários atributos da API Home, mas
o principal é Thermostat
. Confira a seguir os atributos obrigatórios e opcionais
para dispositivos de termostato.
Tipo de dispositivo das APIs do Google Home | Características | App de exemplo do Kotlin | Caso de uso |
Um dispositivo capaz de ter sensores integrados ou separados para temperatura, umidade ou ocupação e que permite definir a temperatura desejada. Um termostato pode enviar notificações de requisitos de aquecimento e/ou resfriamento para uma unidade de aquecimento/resfriamento (por exemplo, um condicionador de ar interno) ou incluir um mecanismo para controlar uma unidade de aquecimento ou resfriamento diretamente. |
Atributos obrigatórios importam Identificar importa Termostato |
Termostato |
Suporte à API Automation
Os elementos e os atributos do termostato a seguir são compatíveis com a API Automation.
Receber a temperatura ambiente
Conferir a temperatura ambiente usando o termostato
Para receber a temperatura ambiente do termostato usando o
traço Thermostat
, leia o atributo
// Get the ambient temperature val thermostat = home.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(Thermostat) } val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat .type(ThermostatDevice) .mapNotNull { it.standardTraits.thermostat } .distinctUntilChanged() val localTempFlow = thermostatTraitFlow.mapNotNull { it?.localTemperature }
val automation = automation { sequential { val starterNode = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // If the temperature is higher than 35C... condition { expression = starterNode.localTemperature greaterThan 35 } // ...and the automation hasn't been run for at least an hour... suppressFor(Duration.ofHours(1)) // ...broadcast a message action(speaker, SpeakerDevice) { command(AssistantBroadcast.broadcast("It's very hot outside.")) } } }
Conferir a temperatura ambiente usando a classe TemperatureMeasurement
Para receber a temperatura ambiente do termostato usando o
traço TemperatureMeasurement
, leia o atributo
val temperatureTraitFlow: Flow<TemperatureMeasurement?> = thermostat .type(TemperatureSensorDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.temperatureMeasurement } .distinctUntilChanged() val localTemp: Short? = temperatureTraitFlow.first()?.measuredValue
val automation = automation { sequential { val temperature = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, TemperatureMeasurement) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(light, DimmableLightDevice, OnOff) condition() { val expr1 = temperature.measuredValue greaterThanOrEquals 35 val expr2 = stateReaderNode.onOff equals true expression = expr1 and expr2 } action(light, DimmableLightDevice) { command(OnOff.on()) } } }
Conferir a temperatura média usando o ExtendedThermostat
Para conferir a temperatura média de vários sensores, leia o
traço ExtendedThermostat
// Get the average temperature val thermostat = home.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(TemperatureSensorDevice) } val temperatureTraitFlow: Flow<TemperatureMeasurement?> = thermostat .type(TemperatureSensorDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.temperatureMeasurement } .distinctUntilChanged() val localTemp: Short? = temperatureTraitFlow.first()?.measuredValue
val automation = automation { sequential { val temperature = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, ExtendedThermostat) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(light, DimmableLightDevice, OnOff) // if the average temperature is >= 35C condition() { val expr1 = temperature.averageLocalTemperature greaterThanOrEquals 35 val expr2 = stateReaderNode.onOff equals true expression = expr1 and expr2 } // Turn on the light action(light, DimmableLightDevice) { command(OnOff.on()) } } }
Receber a umidade do ambiente
Para receber a umidade ambiente do termostato usando o
traço RelativeHumidityMeasurement
, leia o
// Get the ambient humidity val humidityTraitFlow: Flow<RelativeHumidityMeasurement?> = humiditySensingThermostat .type(HumiditySensorDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.relativeHumidityMeasurement } .distinctUntilChanged() val localHumidity: UShort? = humidityTraitFlow.first()?.measuredValue
val automation = automation { sequential { val humidity = starter<_>(thermostat, HumiditySensorDevice, RelativeHumidityMeasurement) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(light, DimmableLightDevice, OnOff) // if the ambient humidity is >= 80% condition() { val expr1 = (humidity.measuredValue greaterThanOrEquals 80u) val expr2 = (stateReaderNode.onOff equals true) expression = expr1 and expr2 } // Turn on the light action(light, DimmableLightDevice) { command(OnOff.on()) } } }
Selecione a escala de temperatura exibida
Para mudar a unidade de medida de temperatura usada na tela
do termostato, defina o atributo
// Set the displayed temperature scale to Fahrenheit val uiConfig = home .devices() .list() .filter { device -> device.has(ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration) } .first() val uiConfigTraitFlow: Flow<ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration?> = uiConfig .type(ThermostatDevice) .map { it.standardTraits.thermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration } .distinctUntilChanged() val uiConfigTrait: ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration = uiConfigTraitFlow.first()!! if ( uiConfigTrait.supports(ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration.Attribute.temperatureDisplayMode) ) { val unused = uiConfigTrait.update { setTemperatureDisplayMode(TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit) } }
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration) // When someone says "Show the temperature in Fahrenheit", val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Show the temperature in Fahrenheit")) } // if the temperature isn't being shown in Fahrenheit condition() { expression = stateReaderNode.temperatureDisplayMode notEquals TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit } // display the current temperature using Fahrenheit action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { update(ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration) { setTemperatureDisplayMode(TemperatureDisplayModeEnum.Fahrenheit) } } } }
Mudar o modo de operação
O termostato pode ser limitado a determinados modos de operação, definidos por
definindo o atributo
, cujos valores são definidos por
val thermostatDevice = structure.devices().list().first { device -> device.has(Thermostat) } val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! // Set the system mode to Auto if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.systemMode)) { val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setSystemMode(SystemModeEnum.Auto) } }
val automation = automation { isActive = true // When the door lock state changes sequential { val doorLockEvent = starter<_>(doorLock, DoorLockDevice, LockOperationEvent) val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, SimplifiedThermostat) // if the door is unlocked and the thermostat is in Eco mode condition() { val expr1 = (doorLockEvent.lockOperationType equals LockOperationTypeEnum.Unlock) val expr2 = (stateReaderNode.systemMode equals SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Eco) expression = expr1 and expr2 } // Set the thermostat to Auto mode action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command(SimplifiedThermostat.setSystemMode(SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Auto)) } } }
Quando o termostato está definido como
informações adicionais sobre o modo de execução do termostato podem ser lidas em
que é preenchido com valores de
// Get the current thermostat running mode val runningModeTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val runningMode: ThermostatTrait.ThermostatRunningModeEnum? = runningModeTraitFlow.first()?.thermostatRunningMode
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // at 10:00am val unused = starter<_>(structure, Time.ScheduledTimeEvent) { parameter(Time.ScheduledTimeEvent.clockTime(LocalTime.of(10, 0, 0, 0))) } // if the thermostat is in Auto mode and is currently cooling condition() { val expr1 = (stateReaderNode.systemMode equals ThermostatTrait.SystemModeEnum.Auto) val expr2 = (stateReaderNode.thermostatRunningMode equals ThermostatTrait.ThermostatRunningModeEnum.Cool) expression = expr1 and expr2 } // announce that it's in Cool mode action(structure) { command(AssistantBroadcast.broadcast("The thermostat is currently running in Cool mode.")) } } }
foi criado para simplificar o processo de configuração do modo de operação em
automações. Para mudar o modo de operação do termostato usando o
use o
cujo valores são definidos por
Essa característica só está disponível para uso com a API Automation.
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { // When the presence state changes... val starterNode = starter<_>(structure, AreaPresenceState) // ...and if the area is unoccupied... condition() { expression = starterNode.presenceState equals PresenceState.PresenceStateVacant } // Set the thermostat to Eco mode action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command(SimplifiedThermostat.setSystemMode(SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Eco)) } } }
Para determinar os modos do sistema em que um termostato pode operar, leia o
cujo valores são determinados pelo
// Get the controlSequenceOfOperation val standardTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val controlSequenceOfOperation: ThermostatTrait.ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum? = standardTraitFlow.first()?.controlSequenceOfOperation
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // When someone says "Switch to cool mode", val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Switch to cool mode")) } // if the thermostat is capable of operating in Cool mode, condition() { val expr1 = stateReaderNode.controlSequenceOfOperation notEquals ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum.HeatingOnly val expr2 = stateReaderNode.controlSequenceOfOperation notEquals ControlSequenceOfOperationEnum.HeatingWithReheat expression = expr1 and expr2 } action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { // switch to Cool mode update(SimplifiedThermostat) { command(SimplifiedThermostat.setSystemMode(SimplifiedThermostatSystemModeEnum.Cool)) } } } }
Mudar o modo de operação de programação
O modo de operação de programação do termostato pode ser alterado usando o
cujas valores são definidos pelo
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.thermostatProgrammingOperationMode)) { val programmingOperationMode = thermostatTrait.thermostatProgrammingOperationMode!! // Enable autoRecovery on the thermostatProgrammingOperationMode val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setThermostatProgrammingOperationMode( ThermostatTrait.ProgrammingOperationModeBitmap( programmingOperationMode.scheduleActive, true, programmingOperationMode.economy, ) ) } }
// When someone says "Reset programming operation mode" val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Reset programming operation mode")) } // Set all the flags on the programming operation mode action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { update(Thermostat) { setThermostatProgrammingOperationMode(ProgrammingOperationModeBitmap(true, true, true)) } } } }
Mudar a temperatura programada
Para mudar o ponto de ajuste da temperatura usando o
chame o
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! // lower the temperature setpoint by 1 degree C thermostatTrait.setpointRaiseLower(amount = 1, mode = SetpointRaiseLowerModeEnum.Cool)
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // At 10:00pm val unused = starter<_>(structure, Time.ScheduledTimeEvent) { parameter(Time.ScheduledTimeEvent.clockTime(LocalTime.of(22, 0, 0, 0))) } // if the setpoint is warmer than 19C condition() { expression = stateReaderNode.occupiedCoolingSetpoint greaterThan 19 } // lower the temperature setpoint by 5 degrees action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command(Thermostat.setpointRaiseLower(SetpointRaiseLowerModeEnum.Cool, 5)) } } }
Priorizar uma temperatura programada
É possível fazer com que um ponto de ajuste de temperatura tenha precedência sobre uma programação
preprogramada definindo o
atributo temperatureSetpointHold
do ThermostatTrait
ou fazer com que a programação tenha precedência definindo-a como
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.temperatureSetpointHold)) { // Set temperatureSetpointHold to SetpointHoldOn // allowing temperature setpoints to override any preprogrammed schedules. val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setTemperatureSetpointHold(TemperatureSetpointHoldEnum.SetpointHoldOn) }
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { // When someone says "Prioritize thermostat setpoint" val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Prioritize thermostat setpoint")) } // make temperature setpoints override any preprogrammed schedules. action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { val unused2 = update(Thermostat) { setTemperatureSetpointHold(TemperatureSetpointHoldEnum.SetpointHoldOn) } } }
para controlar quantos minutos uma retenção de setpoint fica ativa.
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.temperatureSetpointHoldDuration)) { // Set the setpoint hold duration to 60 minutes val unused = thermostatTrait.update { setTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration(60u) } }
val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { val stateReaderNode = stateReader<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) val unused = starter<_>(thermostat, ThermostatDevice, Thermostat) // if the temperature setpoint hold duration is less than 60 minutes... condition() { expression = stateReaderNode.temperatureSetpointHoldDuration.lessThan(60u) } // ...and the automation hasn't been run for at least 24 hours... suppressFor(Duration.ofHours(24)) // ...set the temperature setpoint hold duration to 60 minutes action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { val unused2 = update(Thermostat) { setTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration(60u) } } } }
Para mudar a política de retenção do setpoint de temperatura, que determina como e quando um
estado de retenção do termostato termina, chame o
Os valores válidos são determinados por
val thermostatTraitFlow: Flow<Thermostat?> = thermostat.type(ThermostatDevice).map { it.standardTraits.thermostat }.distinctUntilChanged() val thermostatTrait: Thermostat = thermostatTraitFlow.first()!! if (thermostatTrait.supports(Thermostat.Attribute.temperatureSetpointHoldPolicy)) { // Set the temperature setpoint hold policy to holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged val unused = thermostatTrait.setTemperatureSetpointHoldPolicy( ThermostatTrait.TemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyBitmap( holdDurationElapsed = false, holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged = true, ) ) } val automation = automation { isActive = true sequential { // When someone says "Set my preferred hold duration", val unused = starter<_>(structure, VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent) { parameter(VoiceStarter.OkGoogleEvent.query("Set my preferred hold duration")) } // set the temperature setpoint hold policy to holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged action(thermostat, ThermostatDevice) { command( Thermostat.setTemperatureSetpointHoldPolicy( TemperatureSetpointHoldPolicyBitmap( holdDurationElapsed = false, holdDurationElapsedOrPresetChanged = true, ) ) ) } } }