Monitor device state on Android

In the Home APIs for Android, observing changes to state in the home is made possible through the use of flows in Kotlin. Observing changes in structures, rooms, device metadata, and device state in the Home APIs can be done with any API inheriting from the HomeObjectsFlow interface. This is done by collecting from the flow.

When any item in a collection is added, deleted, or modified, the latest snapshot of the collection is returned.

It is up to the developer to deduce the specific changes by comparing this snapshot with an older copy. The id field provided for each parent object type in the Home APIs can be used for this purpose.

How to use flows

What follows are some basic examples of collecting from flows in the Home APIs. For the following examples, an instance of the Home must be created before accessing collections in the home:

val context = LocalContext.current
val homeManager = Home.getClient(context)

Track changes to a structure

The following changes to a structure trigger this collection:

homeManager.structures().map { it.firstOrNull() }.collect {
  println("Structure ${} updated to ${it}")

val structure =  homeManager.structures().list().firstOrNull()!!

Track changes to a specific device

The following changes to a device trigger this collection:

  .map { devices -> device.filter { == "Bedroom Lamp" }.single() }
  .collect {
    println("The bedroom lamp has changed!")

val device = structure.devices().list().firstOrNull { == "Bedroom Lamp" }!!

Track changes to a specific trait on a device

Use any trait supported by the device and the Home APIs. For a full list, see Trait.

device.trait(OnOff).collect {
  if (it != null) {
    println("Got new state update! ${it.onOff}")

Track changes to a specific type on a device

The following changes to a device type trigger this collection:

Use any Matter device type supported by the Home APIs. For a full list, see DeviceType.

device.type(DimmableLightDevice).collect { type ->
    println("Got new state update! ${type.trait(LevelControl)?.currentLevel}")

Track changes to a room in a structure

The following changes to a room trigger this collection:

To track when devices are added or removed from a room, use the devices() flow.

structure.rooms().collect {
  println("Got a new updated set of rooms!")

  for (room in it) {
    println("Got room $room")

Subscribe to events

In the Home APIs, events are used to detect changes in the state of a device.

To subscribe to events on a specific device, call one of the three functions, each of which returns aFlow<Event>:

  1. events(event: EventFactory<T>) returns a flow for a specific kind of event:

    val eventFlow = homeDevice.type(DoorLockDevice).first().events(DoorLock.DoorLockAlarmEvent)
  2. events(trait: TraitFactory<T>) returns a flow of all events sent by a trait:

    val eventflow = homeDevice.type(DoorLockDevice).first().events(DoorLock)
  3. events() returns a flow of events available for the object:

    val eventflow = homeDevice.type(DoorLockDevice).first().events()

To consume events from a flow, use the flow.collect() function:

eventflow.collect { event ->
  if (event != null) {
    logger.atInfo().log("Received event %s", event)
    // do something

Subscribe to entity relation events

You can listen for events that are emitted every time an entity (such as a structure, room, device, or automation) is added, removed, or updated. These events are instances of HomeObjectChangeEvent and carry the ID of the entity that changed.

To acquire a stream that produces the events you want, call the stream() method on the HomeObjectsFlow<T> produced by the corresponding Flow method:

For example, here's how you can handle changes to devices:

val devicesStream = home.devices().stream()

// Collect and react to device changes.
devicesStream.collect { deviceEvent ->
  when (deviceEvent) {
    is HomeObjectAddedEvent ->
      println("New device now available with id: ${}")
    is HomeObjectUpdatedEvent -> println("Device ${} has been updated")
    is HomeObjectRemovedEvent -> println("Device is removed from your account")
    else -> {}