Automation API trait support on Android

The Automation API for Android supports most traits, but support for some attributes, events, and commands in a trait may be limited.

To verify that the Automation API supports your use case, search in the table below.

In general:

  • Any traits and types that you intend to use in your app with the Automation API must be registered at initialization. See Create a Home instance.
  • Any attribute may be used in starters or conditions.
  • Cloud-to-cloud devices that don't report their state cannot be used as triggers in automations, created either manually or through discovery.
  • Even if a device supports supports the traits listed here, a device may be blocked from use as a starter or action in the Automation API due to Report State quality thresholds:

    • Devices with a Report State success rate lower than 90% are blocked from use as starters.
    • Devices with a command execution success rate lower than 95% are blocked from use as actions.

    Refer to this list of device models and the specific starters and actions that they support for the Automations API.

  • Commands can only be used as actions.

  • Some traits, such as AssistantBroadcast, are only available for use in the Automation API.

  • The okGoogle command is a structure-level command and can be used to automate any device in the structure. However, a Home APIs app may not have access to every device. See OkGoogle permissions to see how permissions are enforced in various cases.

  • Some traits have prerequisites:

    • In order to use Time.ScheduledTimeEvent, the structure in which the automation runs must have a street address that was set up in the Google Home app (GHA). Change Google home address explains how a user can enter the structure address. If the address is not set up in the GHA, the automation fails to create, and an error is thrown with message "The ScheduledTimeEvent is not supported by the structure."
    • In order to use the AreaPresenceState or AreaAttendanceState traits, the user must set up presence sensing in the GHA.
    • In order to use the ObjectDetection trait, the user must have an active Nest Aware subscription.

Simplified versions of some traits are also available for use in automations. For more information, see Simplified traits on Android.

A block indicates that the command is not supported in automations for one or more device types. For more information, refer to Blocked actions in automations on Android.

256 results
Trait Trait type Element type Element
AirQuality matter Attribute airQuality
ApplicationLauncher matter Command LaunchApp
ApplicationLauncher matter Command StopApp
ApplicationLauncher matter Attribute currentApp
AreaAttendanceState google Attribute attendanceState
AreaPresenceState google Attribute presenceState
ArmDisarm google Command ArmDisarm block
ArmDisarm google Event ArmDisarmArmState
ArmDisarm google Attribute armState
ArmDisarm google Attribute currentArmLevel
ArmDisarm google Attribute isArmed
AssistantBroadcast google Command Broadcast
AssistantFulfillment google Command OkGoogle
AudioOutput matter Attribute currentOutput
BooleanState matter Event StateChange
BooleanState matter Attribute stateValue
Brightness google Command BrightnessStep
Brightness google Command MoveToBrightness
Brightness google Attribute currentBrightnessPercent
CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute maxMeasuredValue
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measurementUnit
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute minMeasuredValue
CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute uncertainty
Channel matter Command ChangeChannelByNumber
Channel matter Command SkipChannel
ColorControl matter Command ColorLoopSet
ColorControl matter Command MoveColor
ColorControl matter Command MoveColorTemperature
ColorControl matter Command MoveToColor
ColorControl matter Command MoveToColorTemperature
ColorControl matter Command MoveToHue
ColorControl matter Command MoveToHueAndSaturation
ColorControl matter Command MoveToSaturation
ColorControl matter Command StepColor
ColorControl matter Command StepColorTemperature
ColorControl matter Attribute colorTemperatureMireds
ColorControl matter Attribute currentHue
ColorControl matter Attribute currentX
ColorControl matter Attribute currentY
DishwasherMode matter Command ChangeToMode
DishwasherMode matter Attribute currentMode
DishwasherMode matter Attribute onMode
Dock google Command Dock
Dock google Attribute isDocked
DoorbellPress google Event DoorbellPressed
DoorLock matter Event DoorLockAlarm
DoorLock matter Event DoorStateChange
DoorLock matter Command LockDoor
DoorLock matter Event LockOperation
DoorLock matter Event LockOperationError
DoorLock matter Command UnlockDoor
DoorLock matter Attribute doorClosedEvents
DoorLock matter Attribute doorOpenEvents
DoorLock matter Attribute doorState
DoorLock matter Attribute lockState
ExtendedAirQuality google Event AirQuality
ExtendedAirQuality google Attribute indoorAirQuality
ExtendedAirQuality google Attribute indoorMeasuredValue
ExtendedAirQuality google Attribute measuredValue
ExtendedAirQuality google Attribute outdoorAirQuality
ExtendedAirQuality google Attribute outdoorMeasuredValue
ExtendedColorControl google Command MoveToColorHSV
ExtendedColorControl google Command MoveToColorName
ExtendedColorControl google Command MoveToColorRGB
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentBlue
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentGreen
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentHue
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentName
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentRed
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentSaturation
ExtendedColorControl google Attribute currentValue
ExtendedFanControl google Command ToggleAirflowDirection
ExtendedFanControl google Attribute customFanMode
ExtendedFanControl google Attribute customFanModes
ExtendedMediaInput google Command NextInput
ExtendedMediaInput google Command PreviousInput
ExtendedMediaInput google Command SelectCustomInput
ExtendedMediaInput google Attribute currentCustomInput
ExtendedMediaInput google Attribute customInputsList
ExtendedMediaInput google Attribute customInputsOrdered
ExtendedOperationalState google Event PauseUnpauseFollowUp
ExtendedOperationalState google Event StartStopFollowUp
ExtendedPowerSource google Command StartCharging
ExtendedPowerSource google Command StopCharging
ExtendedThermostat google Attribute activePresetHandle
ExtendedThermostat google Attribute activeRemoteTemperatureSensorIds
ExtendedThermostat google Attribute averageLocalTemperature
ExtendedThermostat google Attribute extendedRunningMode
ExtendedThermostat google Attribute extendedSystemMode
FanControl matter Command Step
FanControl matter Attribute airflowDirection
FanControl matter Attribute fanMode
FanControl matter Attribute percentCurrent
FanControl matter Attribute percentSetting
FanControl matter Attribute speedCurrent
FanControl matter Attribute speedSetting
FanControl matter Attribute windSetting
FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
IlluminanceMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
LaundryWasherMode matter Command ChangeToMode
LaundryWasherMode matter Attribute currentMode
LaundryWasherMode matter Attribute onMode
LevelControl matter Command Move
LevelControl matter Command MoveToLevel
LevelControl matter Command MoveToLevelWithOnOff
LevelControl matter Command MoveWithOnOff
LevelControl matter Command Step
LevelControl matter Command StepWithOnOff
LevelControl matter Command Stop
LevelControl matter Command StopWithOnOff
LevelControl matter Attribute currentLevel
LevelControl matter Attribute maxLevel
LevelControl matter Attribute startUpCurrentLevel
LightEffects google Command PulseEffectSet
LightEffects google Command SleepEffectSet
LightEffects google Command StopEffect
LightEffects google Command WakeEffectSet
LightEffects google Attribute pulseEffectSet
LightEffects google Attribute sleepEffectSet
LightEffects google Attribute wakeEffectSet
LockUnlock google Command Lock
LockUnlock google Command Unlock block
LockUnlock google Attribute lockState
MediaInput matter Command RenameInput
MediaInput matter Command SelectInput
MediaInput matter Attribute currentInput
MediaPlayback matter Command FastForward
MediaPlayback matter Command Next
MediaPlayback matter Command Pause
MediaPlayback matter Command Play
MediaPlayback matter Command Previous
MediaPlayback matter Command Rewind
MediaPlayback matter Command SkipBackward
MediaPlayback matter Command SkipForward
MediaPlayback matter Event StateChanged
MediaPlayback matter Command Stop
MediaPlayback matter Attribute currentState
ModeSelect matter Command ChangeToMode block
ModeSelect matter Attribute currentMode
ModeSelect matter Attribute onMode
MotionDetection google Event MotionDetected
MotionDetection google Attribute motionDetectionEventInProgress
NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
Notification google Command SendNotifications
ObjectDetection google Event ObjectDetected
OccupancySensing matter Attribute occupancy
OnOff matter Command Off block
OnOff matter Command On block
OnOff matter Attribute onOff
OpenClose google Command Close block
OpenClose google Command GoToOpenPercentage block
OpenClose google Command Open block
OpenClose google Command Step block
OpenClose google Attribute openPercent
OpenClose google Attribute openState
OpenClose google Attribute targetOpenPercent
OperationalState matter Event OperationCompletion
OperationalState matter Command Pause block
OperationalState matter Command Resume block
OperationalState matter Command Start
OperationalState matter Command Stop
OperationalState matter Attribute currentPhase
OperationalState matter Attribute operationalState
OzoneConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
OzoneConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
PowerSource matter Attribute batChargeState
PowerSource matter Attribute batChargingCurrent
PowerSource matter Attribute batTimeToFullCharge
RadonConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
RadonConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
Record google Command StartRecording
Record google Command StopRecording
Record google Attribute isCurrentlyRecording
RelativeHumidityMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
RvcCleanMode matter Command ChangeToMode
RvcOperationalState matter Command GoHome
RvcOperationalState matter Command Pause
RvcOperationalState matter Command Resume
RvcOperationalState matter Attribute currentPhase
RvcOperationalState matter Attribute operationalError
RvcOperationalState matter Attribute operationalState
RvcRunMode matter Command ChangeToMode
RvcRunMode matter Attribute currentMode
SimplifiedOnOff google Attribute onOff
SimplifiedThermostat google Command SetSystemMode
SimplifiedThermostat google Attribute systemMode
Switch matter Event InitialPress
Switch matter Event LongPress
Switch matter Event LongRelease
Switch matter Event MultiPressComplete
Switch matter Event MultiPressOngoing
Switch matter Event ShortRelease
Switch matter Event SwitchLatched
Switch matter Attribute currentPosition
TemperatureControl matter Command SetTemperature block
TemperatureControl matter Attribute maxTemperature
TemperatureControl matter Attribute minTemperature
TemperatureControl matter Attribute selectedTemperatureLevel
TemperatureControl matter Attribute temperatureSetpoint
TemperatureMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
Thermostat matter Command SetpointRaiseLower
Thermostat matter Attribute activePresetHandle
Thermostat matter Attribute localTemperature
Thermostat matter Attribute occupancy
Thermostat matter Attribute occupiedCoolingSetpoint
Thermostat matter Attribute occupiedHeatingSetpoint
Thermostat matter Attribute outdoorTemperature
Thermostat matter Attribute setpointChangeSource
Thermostat matter Attribute systemMode
Thermostat matter Attribute temperatureSetpointHold
Thermostat matter Attribute temperatureSetpointHoldDuration
Thermostat matter Attribute thermostatRunningMode
Thermostat matter Attribute thermostatRunningState
Thermostat matter Attribute unoccupiedCoolingSetpoint
Thermostat matter Attribute unoccupiedHeatingSetpoint
Time google Event ScheduledTimeEvent
Time google Attribute currentTime
Time google Attribute missingStructureLocation
Time google Attribute sunriseTime
Time google Attribute sunsetTime
Toggles google Command ChangeToggleSettings block
Toggles google Attribute currentToggleSettings
TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute levelValue
TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement matter Attribute measuredValue
VoiceStarter google Event OkGoogleEvent
Volume google Command MoveToVolume
Volume google Command Mute
Volume google Command Unmute
Volume google Command VolumeStep
Volume google Attribute currentVolumePercent
Volume google Attribute isMuted
WindowCovering matter Command DownOrClose
WindowCovering matter Command GoToLiftPercentage
WindowCovering matter Command GoToLiftValue
WindowCovering matter Command GoToTiltPercentage
WindowCovering matter Command GoToTiltValue
WindowCovering matter Command StopMotion
WindowCovering matter Command UpOrOpen
WindowCovering matter Attribute currentPositionLift
WindowCovering matter Attribute currentPositionLiftPercent100ths
WindowCovering matter Attribute currentPositionLiftPercentage
WindowCovering matter Attribute currentPositionTilt
WindowCovering matter Attribute currentPositionTiltPercent100ths
WindowCovering matter Attribute currentPositionTiltPercentage
WindowCovering matter Attribute targetPositionLiftPercent100ths
WindowCovering matter Attribute targetPositionTiltPercent100ths