Cloud Monitoring for the Google Home ecosystem

Cloud-to-cloud    Matter

You can get helpful usage metrics about your integrations with Google Cloud Monitoring. Use Cloud Monitoring to create dashboards and widgets, set up alerts, and access metrics data programmatically.

Go to Cloud Monitoring


On the Google Cloud Monitoring dashboard page, you can find the following predefined dashboards that display various charts and metrics for your integrations.

  • Google Home Analytics: Displays aggregated metrics across all your integrations.
  • Google Home Analytics - Cloud Integration: Displays detailed metrics and fulfillment statistics for your Cloud-to-cloud integration.
  • Google Home Analytics - Local Integration: Displays detailed metrics and fulfillment statistics for your Local Home SDK integration.
  • Google Home Analytics - Matter Integration: Displays detailed metrics and fulfillment statistics for your Matter integration.
  • Google Home Analytics - Camera Quality: Displays additional metrics and fulfillment statistics for cameras, including troubleshooting metrics for streaming protocols like WebRTC.

You can also browse the sample library or create your own.

Access dashboards

There are several ways to access Monitoring dashboards, also referred to as Analytics.

  • For Cloud-to-cloud integrations, to access Cloud Monitoring from the Actions on Google Console, select your project, then click Analytics > Go to Google Cloud Platform.
  • For Matter integrations, to access Cloud Monitoring from the Google Home Developer Console, click View from the Analytics heading. If your project is already open, click Analytics from the main menu.
  • To access Cloud Monitoring from the Google Cloud Console, click View all products, then go to Operations > Monitoring.
  • Finally, you can go directly to the Monitoring dashboard. The button below takes you to the dashboard for the Google Cloud project that you accessed most recently:

    Monitoring dashboard

Defaults and visibility

Predefined dashboards only display when you have project metrics available from the past 14 days.

Dashboard charts default to the last hour. If your data does not display, use the TIME selection to adjust your time-frame accordingly.

Supported metrics

Cloud Monitoring monitors the assistant_action_project resource type, and provides the following metrics:

Metric Kind Description
smarthome_action/request_count DELTA Count of intent requests, labeled with execution_type, status, and trait.

execution_type (String): Smart home intent type.

status (String): Result of the request.

trait (String): Smart home device trait. Events without an associated trait include the label UNKNOWN.
smarthome_action/request_latencies CUMULATIVE, DISTRIBUTION Distribution of latencies for intent requests, labeled with execution_type, status, and trait.

execution_type (String): Smart home intent type.

status (String): Result of the request.

trait (String): Smart home device trait. Events without an associated trait include the label UNKNOWN.
smarthome_action/num_active_users GAUGE Daily active users, labeled with trait.

trait (String): Smart home device trait. Events without an associated trait include the label UNKNOWN.
smarthome_action/seven_day_active_users GAUGE Weekly active users, labeled with trait.

trait (String): Smart home device trait. Events without an associated trait include the label UNKNOWN.
smarthome_action/twenty_eight_day_active_users GAUGE Monthly active users, labeled with trait.

trait (String): Smart home device trait. Events without an associated trait include the label UNKNOWN.

To view and query metrics, click Metrics explorer from Cloud Monitoring.

Go to Metrics explorer

To learn more about using Cloud Monitoring in your project, see the following documentation:

  • Pricing: Details on allotments and overage costs.
  • Quotas and limits: Details on limits and retention policies for monitoring usage.