Home APIs Android SDK release notes


  Home APIs Public Beta release 1.2.0  

This release contains bug fixes and enhances general availability (GA) quality for the Home APIs Android SDK.

Minimum versions

  • Google Play Services min version: 25.06.32
  • Google hub firmware min versions:
    • Cast version: 3.75.456944
    • Fuchsia min version: 24.20241009.103.1900601
  • Android SDK: home.android.sdk_1_2_0_RC06
  • Google Home App min version: works with any version
  • androidx.core library min version: 1.10.0
  • Matter version:
    • Note: Provisional Matter device types and clusters are not supported.

New features

  • Automation API:
    • Support for date ranges and partial dates in automation conditions. See Use dates with between.
    • In previous releases, the Discovery API returned a NumberSetConstraint for some bitmap fields when it should have returned a BitmapConstraint. These fields now return a BitmapConstraint as expected. This is limited to optionsMask and optionsOverride bitmaps in the LevelControl trait commands.

Known issues

  • There may be increased device control latency when switching from Wi-Fi to a mobile network.
  • After a hub is factory-reset, devices may appear to be offline.
  • If the Discovery API is called prior to initialization or before initialization is complete, a HomeException with code 14: UNKNOWN and the message "No route found." is thrown.
    • Workaround: Only call the Discovery API when you actually need automation candidates. Don't pre-fetch and cache candidate entities. Check to see whether an entity is online before calling Discovery API methods on it.
  • In an environment containing multiple structures and multiple users, switching between structures and users may result in no devices being returned.

Fixed known issues

  • The first time a Home APIs app calls HomeManager.structures() after being launched, it receives zero structures, even when one or more structures is present. This gives the incorrect impression that there are no structures associated with the Google Account.
  • When loading, creating and editing automations, users may experience long wait times.
  • Users who start the setup flow from the Camera app have scan the QR code twice in order to complete Matter commissioning.
  • In a structure that contains more than 200 devices, the Discovery API may simply return no candidates.


  Home APIs Public Beta release 1.1.0  

This release contains bug fixes and enhances general availability (GA) quality for the Home APIs Android SDK.

Minimum versions

  • Google Play Services min version: 25.02.32
  • Google hub firmware min versions:
    • Cast version: 3.75.456944
    • Fuchsia min version: 24.20241009.103.1900500
  • Android SDK: home.android.sdk_202412_EAP_1_1_RC04
  • Google Home App min version: works with any version
  • androidx.core library min version: 1.10.0
  • Matter version:
    • Note: Provisional Matter device types and clusters are not supported.

New features

  • Streaming API:
  • Batching API (Experimental):

Known issues

  • When loading, creating and editing automations, users may experience long wait times.
  • Users who start the setup flow from the Camera app have scan the QR code twice in order to complete Matter commissioning.
  • In a structure that contains more than 200 devices, the Discovery API may simply return no candidates.

Fixed known issues

  • Switching the logged in Google Account may fail and result in an error.
  • Google TV devices may not work for automations that use the MediaPlayback trait.
  • In a structure that contains only a Google hub:
    • Matter devices may appear to be offline in the Google Home App.
    • Google Assistant cannot control Matter devices.
    • Smart displays cannot control Matter devices or display the state of any Matter device.
  • For some devices, an app may not always reflect accurate state, and your app may report a state that is different from that reported by a Google app such as the Google Home App. This is usually due to devices not reporting state to Google.
    • Workaround: Checking state with a Google app resolves the mismatch.


Updated guidance for Home APIs initialization.

We've made it more clear that an instance of a Home should be initialized as a context singleton. This ensures a smoother user experience in your app and avoids errors with invalid sessions.


  Home APIs Public Beta release  

During the public developer beta, all developers can begin building and testing their apps.

This release contains bug fixes and enhances general availability (GA) quality for the Home APIs Android SDK, including improved support for Google Nest Audio and Google TV devices.

Minimum versions

  • Google Play services min version: 24.45.34
  • Google hub firmware min versions:
    • Cast version: 3.74.444798
    • Fuchsia min version: 22.20240805.103.161
  • Android SDK: home.android.sdk_202411_EAP_1_0_1_RC00
  • Google Home app (GHA) min version: works with any version
  • androidx.core library min version: 1.10.0
  • Matter version:
    • Note: Provisional Matter device types and clusters are not supported.

Known issues

  • Switching the logged in Google Account may fail and result in an error.
    • Workaround: Re-run the permissions flow or restart the app.
  • Google TV devices may not work for automations that use the MediaPlayback trait.
  • In a structure that contains only a Google hub:
    • Matter devices may appear to be offline in the Google Home app (GHA).
    • Google Assistant cannot control Matter devices.
    • Smart displays cannot control Matter devices or display the state of any Matter device.
  • For some devices, an app may not always reflect accurate state, and your app may report a state that is different from that reported by a Google app such as the Google Home app (GHA). This is usually due to devices not reporting state to Google.
    • Workaround: Checking state with a Google app resolves the mismatch.

Fixed known issues

  • Commissioning may fail if the app is minimized during the process.
  • A server-side issue may prevent OkGoogle starters from working in automations.
  • When using a hub running Fuchsia that doesn't have any Matter devices in the structure, if the hub is left idle for more than 3 hours, commissioning the first Matter device results in the Matter device being offline.
  • After a factory data reset is performed for a hub, commands to newly-commissioned devices may fail despite the device being reported as online.