Home APIs Android sample app
This sample is an Android app that showcases basic features of device access and control using the Home APIs.
Google Home Sample App for Matter
This sample is an Android app that's similar to Google Home.
Intent-based Commissioning for Matter
This sample app shows how to start commissioning a Matter device when a Matter-compliant QR code is seen in the viewfinder of the camera on an Android device.
Device Access web application
A fully-functioning web application to control Nest cameras, doorbells, and thermostats.
Smart Home error reporting utility
A sample that illustrates how to integrate Stackdriver with your smart home service in order to process errors when your service sends an invalid response to the Google Assistant.
Cast Web Sender
A reference Web Sender sample app to be used as the starting point for your Web Sender app.
Cast Android Universal Media Player
A sample audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provides a consistent user experience for Cast and other Android devices such as Auto and Wear.
Local Home SDK sample
A sample that demonstrates how to use the Local Home SDK to add a local path to handle smart home intents.
Smart Home sample using Node.js
A fully-functioning Node.js example of a Smart Home provider cloud service.
Cast Android Sender
A reference Android Sender sample app to be used as the starting point for your Android Sender app.
Cast iOS Video app
A demo app that shows how an iOS Sender app casts video. Includes targets for both Objective-C and Swift. This app is not fully compliant with the UX Checklist.
Cast Android TV Receiver
A reference Android TV Receiver sample app that illustrates the use of Cast Connect.
Cast iOS Sender
A reference iOS Sender sample app to be used as the starting point for your iOS Sender app. Includes targets for both Objective-C and Swift.
Cast Custom Web Receiver
A reference Web Receiver sample app to be used as the starting point for your Custom Web Receiver.
Smart Home sample using Java
A fully-functioning Java example of a Smart Home provider cloud service.